segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014

Email sobre Acart

Diogo Paganella Pelizzari

to me
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olá amigo

achei seu blog na internet. Já li duas vezes o livro de tão fascinante que é.  Também estou tentando descobrir onde fica esse sistema solar com um planeta incrivelmente parecido com Marte. Realmente existem outros sistemas habitados, porém ainda estou em processo de leitura, pesquisa e cruzamento de informações. Minhas fontes são a obra de Jan Val Ellam que é ditada por uma equipe que contém até extraterrestres, porém atuam via nível espiritual, coisa impossivel da imensa maioria da população ter acesso. Livros de Chico Xavier, Ramatis, Moisés Esagui, Waldo Vieira, etc.

Sou gaúcho de Vacaria, não tão distante de Sarandi, mas não conheço lá ainda. E pelo seu email vc representa ser da Bahia, mas como conheçeu o livro de Artur? Fiquei curioso.

Pier Paolo Roncoroni Romero

to Diogo
Bom dia!
No Centro cultural Vergueiro aqui em Sao paulo capital, havia uma copia ainda da primeira edição.
Bom foi em 1990 durante a Copa que eu consegui o contato com a familia Berlet.  E tenho uma obra com dedicatoriia e assinada pelo Artur.
Estive em visita à familia Berlet porém Artur já havia falecido e infelismente ele não escreveu nem metade do que viu.
Havia inumeros detalhes que foram com ele.
A familia dele falou que ele ficava horas respondendo e detalhando o que não estava no livro.
Ele esteve em muitos lugares mas haviam mais detalhes qie não seria possivel um livro apenas.
Foi um desperdicio o que nos fizemos com esta pessoa um descaso para nossa humanidade. Hoje  temos em nossa sociedade televisores na parede e pelo compputador podemos podemos fazer uma fala visual como ele havia descrito e que nos tempos dele era pura ficção...
Hoje já estão sendo liberados todos os arquivos antes secretos sobre Ufos...
o resultado é este:
Assim que nossa tecnologia estiver um pouco mais avançada Nosso contato com os extraterrestres acontecerá e estamos muito proxios considerando nossa geração mas se contarmos em relação à data de 1947 levou-se no minimo de 4 a 5 gerações.
Na verdade este planeta é considerado em nosso sistema Solar mesmo, entre Marte e jupiter. O Sistema que nós ensinam, neste local , existe um cinturão de asteroides mas não há nenhum estudo ou pesquisas nestes perimetros.
Conhecemos fotografis dos aneis de saturno que estão após este cinturão e não temo sequer um registro deste cinturrao...
Por que será?
temos satelites que foram a´te jupiter estudar este planeta após o cinturão e não temos nenhum registro enquanto o satelita atravessva o cinturão...
Antes de desconsiderarem que não existe nenhum planeta neste local temos que exigir da NaSA a prova fotografica desta região.
lembrando que esta faixa tem centenas de milhares de kilometro de amplitude.
Lembre-se que do planeta Acarta ele viu por um telescópio a Lua e a Terra por isto mostra que eles estavem em localização proxima a ela.
Sem contar da Base acartiana com ceteza na Antartida e já foi  avistado inumeros Ufos na região  e por coincidência existe uma TEoria da Base nazista na Antartida e os Acartianos somente se comunicaram com Artur em Alemão...
Somos umas das poucas pessoas no mundo que conhecem o caso mais importante da ufologai que infelismente foi massacrado e ignorado pelos ufologos sensacionalistas!

Diogo Paganella Pelizzari

to me
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uau, também aguarde, que terei que reler e deglutir o que voce escreveu. Muito bom seu relato. Teremos muito para conversar. Se puder dizer qual a sua bibliografia, de onde tirou essas informações raríssimas. Assim também posso melhorar nosso debate, afinal eu tinha dado uma parada nos estudos porque não dei conta hahaha

terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

enigma de paraúna

Lendas de civilizações antigas e extraterrenas, pegadas de dinossauros, monumentos megalíticos, cemitérios indígenas e tantos outros grandes mistérios da terra podem ser encontrados na riquíssima arqueologia da Paraíba, um dos menores estados do Brasil (cerca de 56 mil km2). Seu terreno está incrivelmente coberto por mais de 500 sítios arqueológicos catalogados, nos quais inscrições pictográficas e pinturas rupestres vêm, há décadas, desafiando o mundo científico. As Itacoatiaras de Ingá, uma série de blocos de gnaisse, trazem esculpidos em rochas centenas de inscrições em baixo-relevo e são um dos monólitos mais intrigantes do planeta, segundo pesquisadores e estudiosos de todo o mundo. A Pedra de Ingá, como é mais conhecida, de tão surpreendente beira o irreal. Possui cerca de 23 m de comprimento, 3 m de largura e, em seu ponto mais alto, 3,8 m. O monólito está situado na região do Piemonte da Borborema, à 84 km de João Pessoa e à 30 km de Campina Grande. No sítio arqueológico, que abrange aproximadamente 2 hectares de área, cortada pelo Rio Ingá, são várias as interpretações encontradas para o monumento de pedra e suas simbologias fantásticas, que ficam em sulcos perfeitamente simétricos e polidos.

“As esferas, cruzes, espirais e linhas retas que aparecem representadas como um enigma no bloco de pedra, a princípio, não poderiam ter sido talhadas por mãos humanas”, é o que defende o tradutor suíço Hans Jorge Kesselring, pesquisador do assunto. De acordo com a Ancient Astronaut Society – cujo presidente é o escritor Erich von Däniken, autor de Eram os Deuses Astronautas? –, em artigo publicado, o monólito foi esculpido a laser, provavelmente por civilizações extraterrestres, tecnologicamente mais avançadas que a nossa. O artesão da Pedra de Ingá, segundo estudos astronômicos realizados pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPb), no final da década de 70, pode ter sido de uma população muito anterior aos índios que os portugueses encontraram no Brasil nos Séculos XVI e XVII, que teriam expressado em seus desenhos pictográficos 11 estrelas da Constelação de Órion. A mesma teoria, até hoje passível de discussão, foi documentada anos mais tarde pelo pesquisador Gilvan de Brito, em Viagem ao Desconhecido: Os Segredos da Pedra de Ingá.

No Sítio Queimadas, no município de Dona Inês, à 72 km de Guarabira (região do brejo paraibano), as inscrições rupestres da Pedra do Letreiro – bem mais representativas que as de Ingá – têm sido objeto de estudo intensivo da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPb), em Campina Grande. No painel vertical, em vermelho, destacam-se figuras impressionantes que lembram torres, naves voadoras, seres de outro planeta, marcas de mãos e até sinais de um possível calendário desconhecido. O geógrafo Carlos Antônio Belarmino, professor da UEPb e pós-graduado em Meio Ambiente, conta que as marcas do passado foram deixadas por aldeamentos indígenas que povoaram a região. “Pressupõe-se que os índios mantiveram contatos com civilizações mais evoluídas e nos transmitiram aqui sinais de sua comunicação através da pintura rupestre”, informou o pesquisador à Revista UFO. De acordo com Belarmino, os bugres que habitavam o brejo paraibano usavam a tinta do jenipapo, urucum e sangue de animais para gravar suas pinturas nas rochas, isso há mais de 15 mil anos. Calcula-se que o local tenha sido uma espécie de santuário sagrado, provavelmente de culto às forças da natureza.

“Mas ainda não temos na literatura muita coisa que nos ajude a decifrar esses hieróglifos”, ressalta o professor, que ainda vê nos desenhos uma variação do alfabeto fenício e sumeriano. O escrivão de polícia Humberto Ferreira Santos, dono de uma propriedade rural em Dona Inês, diz que a Pedra do Letreiro é bastante visitada, principalmente por pessoas do exterior. Segundo ele, existem várias lendas sobre os insólitos desenhos pictográficos, entre elas, a que os associa à aparição fantástica de uma mulher. “Os vizinhos falam de uma moça bonita, de cabelos longos, que fica sentada em cima das pedras. Quando alguém se aproxima, ela desaparece”, narra. Já a caseira Maria Nunes da Silva pensa diferente. “Acho que ali tem uma grande mina. Debaixo da pedra se esconde um tacho cheio de ouro, uma grande fortuna”, comenta. Ela acredita na versão segundo a qual seres de outro planeta, vestidos como astronautas, teriam enterrado um tesouro em Dona Inês e marcado sua localização com os desenhos encantados do Letreiro. “A felicidade da gente tá acolá”, diz.

No interior do sertão paraibano, à mais de 420 km do litoral, Sousa destaca-se como um dos mais importantes sítios paleontológicos do mundo, com pegadas fossilizadas de megafauna (Tiranossaurus Rex, Iguanodonte Mantel), de aproximadamente 130 milhões de anos, encravadas na bacia do Rio do Peixe. Os primeiros relatos das pegadas datam de 1897 e foram descobertos por um morador numa localidade chamada de Passagem das Pedras, à 4 km do centro da cidade. A princípio, acreditou-se que as estranhas trilhas pertencessem a animais de criação. Em parte do município de Sousa e de outras 30 localidades nas proximidades – onde, aliás, se registram com abundância pegadas e rastros fossilizados de mais de 80 espécies de seres pré-históricos do período Cretáceo – está o Vale dos Dinossauros, área de proteção e fiscalização do patrimônio paleontológico nacional.

Na vasta área que compõe o vale, encontram-se também, porém em menor quantidade, outros achados, como chuva petrificada, vegetação primitiva e ossadas de megafauna. Quanto às pinturas rupestres, aparecem no Serrote do Letreiro (Sousa) e no Serrote da Miúda (São Francisco e Santa Cruz). Toda a região possui diversos sítios arqueológicos, destacando-se o Vale dos Dinossauros, a Pedra do Letreiro, as Itacoatiaras de Ingá, as Botas do Astronauta, as Pedra do Calendário e o Relógio de Sol, em Pilõezinhos.

crédito: eloir fuchs
 Pedra do Ing, na Paraba, onde estranhas inscries em baixo relevo indicam ao de seres avanados em nosso passado
Pedra do Ingá, na Paraíba, onde estranhas inscrições em baixo relevo indicam ação de seres avançados em nosso passado
 Gruta em Goiás – Estranhos objetos voadores não identificados, semelhantes aos UFOs relatados na atualidade, também estão representados em pinturas rupestres de uma gruta em Goiás. Na divisa dos municípios de Paraúna e Ivolândia, sudoeste goiano, monumentos e sinais de remotíssima Antigüidade estão gravados em enormes blocos de arenito vermelho que formam a Caverna das Incríveis Figuras. Desprovidos de qualquer informação histórica ou explicação científica, os desenhos rupestres que se encerram dentro da gruta ainda só podem ser interpretados a partir de uma visão transcendental de uma possível civilização que habitou a região no passado. O cartógrafo goiano Alódio Tovar, no final da década de 80, editou o livro O Enigma de Paraúna – A Face Oculta da Natureza, no qual retratou sua percepção acerca dos misteriosos símbolos da caverna. Segundo ele, as centenas de figuras emaranhadas reunidas no Painel Mágico – matizadas de cores brancas, vermelhas e outras variações –, embora com sinais de desgaste do tempo, são a síntese de uma simbologia esotérica criada há aproximadamente 10 mil anos, que o autor convencionou chamar de realismo fantástico.

Figuras cabalísticas, de labirintos, demônios, rostos humanos e seres antropomorfos são arquétipos que, segundo o autor, nunca foram encontrados antes em qualquer parte do mundo, reunidos num só sítio arqueológico. Tovar, em seu livro, chega a comparar a importância da Caverna das Incríveis Figuras com a geografia incomum dos desenhos do Planalto de Nazca, no Peru, e com os singulares cinzelamentos da Pedra de Ingá, na Paraíba. O ambientalista Antônio Carlos Volpone pesquisa a região das escritas selváticas de Goiás e explica os estranhos desenhos da caverna a partir da teoria do escritor suíço Erich von Däniken, segundo a qual havia uma época em que o mundo era visitado por discos voadores provenientes de outros planetas ou até de galáxias distantes. “A Gruta das Incríveis Figuras poderia ter sido habitada por ancestrais do homem que retrataram, em suas paredes, avistamentos de seres e objetos não identificados”, analisa Volpone. A gruta situa-se próxima à sede da Fazenda Marilda, que fica aos cuidados do caseiro Osvaldino Borges da Silva. Preocupado com a lida do campo, nunca chegou perto do sítio arqueológico. Calcula-se que a caverna tenha sido descoberta na década de 20, quando a Coluna Prestes passou pelo local, levando dezenas de fazendeiros a procurar abrigo em um dos milhares de morros sedimentares da região.

O Fenômeno Luz de BotaA Ilha de Santa Catarina, onde está situada Florianópolis, é também chamada de Ilha da Magia. Existem no local inúmeras histórias de fantasmas, feiticeiras e coisas estranhas que enriquecem seu acervo folclórico – dentre as quais destaca-se a “Luz de Bota”, que provavelmente tem relação com o famoso fenômeno da “Mãe do Ouro”, existente no interior do Brasil. Muita gente já avistou a tal luz, como “seu” Nonô, que a chama também de “Luz que Aparece”. De modo geral, seu surgimento é relacionado com as pescarias noturnas, quando uma luminosidade vermelha e pequena, semelhante a um cigarro aceso, se aproxima dos pescadores e caminha lentamente como se os estivesse observando.

“Não faz mal a ninguém... Mas não se pode mexer com ela”, diz seu Nonô. Também não é recomendável acender fósforo ou cigarro, pois, se isso é feito, a luz gira acima da cabeça da pessoa e emite faíscas de várias cores. Nesse caso, não adianta querer se livrar dela, porque a mesma a acompanha até sua casa – às vezes, chega a queimar a pele da testemunha. A Luz que Aparece ou Luz de Botas é pequena e, quando pousava nas dunas ou em algum morro mais próximo, aumenta sua luminosidade como uma grande fogueira, permitindo que se enxergue tudo ao redor. “Muitas vezes passeia no ar e depois, se ninguém mexe com ela, sobe e desaparece”, complementa seu Nonô. Segundo quem já observou a enigmática manifestação, a melhor proteção contra o mistério é rezar – apesar de se saber que a luz não faz mal a ninguém.

Muitas vezes o fenômeno chega a ficar a uma distância pequena das pessoas – cerca de 10 m. Aparece sempre solitária e sem horário definido, às vezes permanecendo visível por até 30 minutos, movimentando-se de um lugar para outro. Quanto à origem de seu nome, o mesmo vem do fato de que a luz projeta uma sombra para baixo, sugerindo a figura de uma bota. E como geralmente fica pairando a mais ou menos um metro de altura, a sombra pode tocar o chão, parecendo uma luz sobre uma bota caminhando na areia da praia. - Paulo Araújo Duarte

Este texto é propriedade da Revista UFO e todos os direitos de publicação estão reservados. É proibida a reproduçao deste conteúdo através de qualquer meio sem a expressa autorização do editor.

quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2011

email Nelson Korb

Desde criança sempre me indagou de vida em outros planetas...Nos anos 70 ouvi falar de um homem em Sarandi que tinha ido a outro planeta..Mas ficou so na conversa. Em 1976, fui fazer faculdade em Cruz Alta e um dia entrando em uma livraria me deparei com o Livro de Artur....fiquei encantado, embora a história em si não fechasse bem. Assim que li o livro varias vezes...O emprestei e sumiu...Em 1982eu e mais um amigo fizemos questão em conhecer Berlet. O encontramos na rua, ele voltou para casa conosco e nos recebeu muito bem, mandou a filha dele tirar as fotos que ele estava por fazer num casorio e nos atendeu com sua simpatia respondendo nossas perguntas...Disse para ficarmos em sua casa pelo menos 2 dias para ele contar muitas coisas não escritas no LIVRO...e consegui mais um exemplar....que também desapareceu....Eu militava na Ordem Rosacruz onde ensinam a reencarnação e também era mormon seita que crê ter vida em outros planetas, mas como é uma grei baseada na Bíblia,são severamente contra a reencarnação . Eu já estava para romper com os mormons mesmo sendo alto iniciado no Templo, por que eu não posso engolir a mentira judaica de Adão e Eva e outras do Talmud, e VT. mas também não aceitava a reencarnação. Com a conversa de Berlet, que era católico, mas disse que os Akarteanos eram reencarnação, e que programavam sua reencarnação e cada novo nascimento....pois seu planeta já estava super lotado. Em 1984 após ter uma projeção astral consciente me tornei Espirita......Eu sempre quis voltar para ver Berlet, mas nunca deu ocasião. Eu era Policial Civil, fazia a faculdade e depois fiquei muito doente......Em 1988, me tornei radioamador e logo consegui contato com outro radioamador de Sarandi seu Nerceu
e falávamos muito sobre o Artur......Um dia Nerceu me disse se quiseres ver o Artur venha logo,pois está muito doente.....Nos pelo rádio o chamávamos de ACARTIANO muitas vezes nos comunicávamos em dialeto germanico so falado no Brasil, para não sermos ridicularizados pelos demais colegas, pois conversas de rádio todos que tem receptor ouvem.
Fomos e o encontramos mal , no oxigênio, ele nos recebeu com muita alegria. Fiz então uma sabatina com ele pois eu estava escrevendo um livro sobre ufologia
e queria opinião de Artur. e detalhes de sua viajem.....
Essa entrevista está em meu livro que nunca foi publicado, devido. alto preço que as editoras cobram e depois não se vende,,,,
Ali mais uma vez tratamos da questão reencarnatoria, e viajem astral
Onde o mesmo Artur falou da programação que esses seres tem, assim que morrem seu corpos logo são descartados , queimados, numa maquina e já sabem quando vão reencarnar. Ele me deu mais um livro seu autografado que como os outros desapareceu . Então não sei dizer se o fato consta no Livro ou pela conversa que tive com ele. Se VC tiver algum email das filhas de Berlet me envie para que eu possa entrar em contato com elas......estou a 200 km de distancia da casa deles.
Verei em meu livro as anotações da ultima fala quando o Acartiano já estava agonizando em seu leito de morte. Nunca desmentiu sua história.
Um fraternal abraço
Nelson Korb - py3nk msn

terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

a planet without money


Posted By: TONZAL [Send E-Mail]

Date: Wednesday, 14-Jul-2004 07:00:35


...After that, we went to the trees and sat down comfortably on some stools

similar to chairs that rotated. I put my hands behind my head and, thus

remained for some minutes. But in that calm, I commenced to reflect and

I saw in my mind an infinity of things that I was still unable to

explain satisfactorily. Brusquely, I raised my body and remained seated,

resolving to ask Acorc to explain some of these things that I did not


One of these was that, since I had come to Akart, I still had not seen

anybody pullout money to pay for anything. We had just eaten a meal with

nearly 1,000 people and nobody had paid anything.

With relation to us, I had some kind of explanation, since we had that

paper, which could perhaps be a form of requisition by the government;

but... the rest?

To clear up this doubt I asked:

"What kind of money do you have here?"

He raised up and sat in the same position as I, right in front of me

and said:

"Money? We have no money here on Akart."

I almost fell on my back, stool and all.

"But how?! But how do they buy things, and pay their employees?"

He gave a sigh and responded:

"Well, this is a very lengthy affair, but I will try to explain to you.

Akart was all divided up into countries and each one had their own type

of government and money. That being the case when they began to feel the

problems of overpopulation, those better off commenced to acquire every

palm of our land and thus, those who had money obtained and owned more

space than they needed to live, while those less favored by fortune were

banished to the streets. This resulted in dishonesty, robberies,

several wars, and all the rest. Why? Always because of the evils of

money. The whole planet was an inferno; a few survived and others in

greater number died of hunger, misery and pains. Then when it seemed

like all was lost, there emerged the greatest scientist of all times

here on Akart."

"And what did he do?"

"He discovered the means to take advantage of the very energy of the


"What did that have to do with the money situation?"

"Many things. Once discovered, he and two more of his followers,

invented the arms which we still have."

"Was he rich or poor?"

"Very rich, but he spent all his fortunes on investigations and

experiments which resulted in benefits for all."

"In what manner?"

"In the following way: When he succeeded in inventing the neutralizer

(beam weapon), he told nobody of his invention, but gave adequate proof

of what he could do with such a weapon. He threatened all of the

countries, that if they could not find a common denominator for their

differences, he would use the weapon. He presented a global plan for the

salvation of the planet. Then all or almost all accepted and obeyed him.

His first step was to abolish all the frontiers, making all of Akart

only one country; the second was to level all of the cities to equal

rights and obligations. To obtain this, he had to get rid of the money,

and this automatically ended profits, speculations, robbery, usury and

many other things, proceeding from money."

"Then he must have been some kind of dictator?"

"No, he did not become directly the Government, but nevertheless gave

ideas to others who then put them into practice."

"Certainly he depended on the support of some strong country?"

"No. It is as I said. Ninety percent of the population of Akart lived in

oppression and misery, and thus they understood his ideas and supported

him. The remaining ten percent could do nothing, and finally, they

accepted also. And as the people helped to install this regime, the sane

people had the right to select their governors. They proposed that the

scientist be selected, but he would not accept, however he indicated one

son of his. That one was selected and became the first Governor of all

of Akart. Since the scientist was called the man of the Sun, thanks to

his discoveries, his son was called the Son of the Sun. From this

proceeded the tradition of calling our president the 'Son of the Sun'."

"Ah! For that reason?"

"That is it."

"I thought it was a sacred name."

"No. It is not, as you can see."

"When and for how long is the governor of Akart then selected?"

"Every three years (Akartian)." (= 5 Earth years and 6 Earth months.)

"But how can you get along without money to buy or sell the things? How

do you do it?"

"Here, nobody needs to buy or sell anything. There is enough work (for

those who are apt) that they can have all that they need or desire,

without the immoralities. Here, it is a crime for anyone to refuse to

work. We came to the conclusion, that money is the work of the evil

doings. Without it many evils are avoided."

"Are they obligated to work until after they are old?"

"No. The people work so many hours per day or night and for the hours

that are left, they can go where they like, eat or drink in any public

place, without extravagances, and do as they please. In every year there

is a period of rest; then they can travel throughout all of Akart -- and

see and do what they please, traveling by whatever means they prefer. For

this there is enough available, which is furnished by the Government.

And they have more: What one citizen has, they all have, because here

all that is produced obeys a global plan; such as homes, the ships,

dress, alimentation, etc."

"Up to what age do they have to work?

"It is like this: Until 11 years (Akartian) they have to study; from

there forward they are going to work in a profession which was approved

by the schools; They work until 36 years (Akartian) and after that

retire. Then, they can stay in one place the rest of their life, or

travel wherever they want, live in one fixed place or live in a hotel,

or various hotels, as they choose. They have all the assistance and

attention they require for the rest of their life."

"Is this law also for women?"

"Well, the women also study up till 11 years; and after that then they

may marry and care for a home, or if they do not want do that, they are

obligated to work according to their profession." ...


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The Blueprint of Evolution (views: 1126)

TONZAL -- Sunday, 5-Sep-2004 12:15:00


TONZAL -- Monday, 20-Sep-2004 04:58:13

WE SHOULD HAVE PEACE by NOW... (views: 761)

Michael_Saint_Clair -- Monday, 20-Sep-2004 06:40:30

Galactic Federation Would Simply Address All Peoples (views: 1168)

TONZAL -- Monday, 20-Sep-2004 07:15:44


FarSight3 -- Monday, 20-Sep-2004 09:43:24


IZAKOVIC -- Monday, 20-Sep-2004 13:47:46

THE FEDERATION (views: 875)

TONZAL -- Monday, 20-Sep-2004 19:50:10


TONZAL -- Thursday, 23-Sep-2004 01:16:17

CREATION and SPIRITS (views: 780)

TONZAL -- Thursday, 30-Sep-2004 12:33:06

Real-Vision Dialogue (views: 773)

TONZAL -- Thursday, 14-Oct-2004 14:18:15

Will The Universe Ever Stop Existing? (views: 1190)

TONZAL -- Sunday, 14-Nov-2004 11:38:22

SEND THEM IN NOW!! ;-) *NM* (views: 967)

StClair -- Sunday, 14-Nov-2004 11:57:43

Bush Did Not Win The Election!, & Arafat's Death (views: 2998)

TONZAL -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 00:12:47

More... (views: 1619)

TONZAL -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 01:16:13

Re: More... (views: 1358)

hobie -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 01:56:33

Re: More... (views: 1206)

TONZAL -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 02:08:00

Re: More... (views: 1015)

hobie -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 02:23:06

Re: More... (views: 1042)

TONZAL -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 02:26:40

Re: More... (views: 1098)

hobie -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 02:46:08


Patriotlad -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 11:20:03


Rayelan -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 16:17:40

More -- From Useless Eater's Excellent Post *PIC* (views: 1286)

Patriotlad -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 11:25:30


Rayelan -- Friday, 10-Dec-2004 16:25:32


Doctor_Syberlux -- Saturday, 11-Dec-2004 05:33:58

More About Atlantis (views: 2521)

TONZAL -- Saturday, 1-Jan-2005 12:58:38

Did High Tech Weapon Destroy Tunguska Meteor In 1908 (views: 1864)

TONZAL -- Sunday, 2-Jan-2005 02:15:54

Tunguska Siberia (views: 2626)

TONZAL -- Tuesday, 26-Apr-2005 13:11:24

Roswell, Zetas, Delta Craft... (views: 1625)

TONZAL -- Monday, 16-May-2005 23:53:14

Condoleeza Rice & The Giants of Peru (views: 2098)

TONZAL -- Thursday, 28-Apr-2005 08:04:33


TONZAL -- Sunday, 1-May-2005 11:49:01

Dying, Religion is Spiritually? & Animals Have Spirit? (views: 1249)

TONZAL -- Thursday, 10-Mar-2005 05:11:52

segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2011

Meier and Ptah


"and that is why the "moneypeople" here on Earth are afraid of this kind of information to come out - and do their best to frighten the common people away from "spacepeople" and their information on alternatives to the money/slave-society here.

In the year 1958 a man named Artur Berlet (picture) disappears from the city. After 11 days returns and reveals an amazing story of abduction and travel to another planet.

A genuinely transitional story was that of Arthur Berlet, whose alleged 1958 encounter surfaced in 1965. The story begins with classic abduction motifs: stunned by a beam of light, doorway amnesia, wakes up on a bed in a strange environment. Thereafter the story trails off into an exceptionally dull narrative of his adventures on the planet Acart, to where he had been abducted by an insubordinate saucer captain who wanted him to tend the biological specimens. On Acart the contrite leadership gave him a guided tour while expounding on the population explosion.

Just some information I came across: Wendelle Stevens also put out a book titled something like "Contact from Planet Acart". This book was about a person from earth who was picked up and taken to this planet for many days.

"...After that, we went to the trees and sat down comfortably on some stools similar to chairs that rotated. I put my hands behind my head and, thus remained for some minutes. But in that calm, I commenced to reflect and I saw in my mind an infinity of things that I was still unable to explain satisfactorily. Brusquely, I raised my body and remained seated, resolving to ask Acorc to explain some of these things that I did not understand.
One of these was that, since I had come to Akart, I still had not seen anybody pullout money to pay for anything. We had just eaten a meal with nearly 1,000 people and nobody had paid anything.
With relation to us, I had some kind of explanation, since we had that paper, which could perhaps be a form of requisition by the government; but... the rest?
To clear up this doubt I asked:
"What kind of money do you have here?"
He raised up and sat in the same position as I, right in front of me and said:
"Money? We have no money here on Akart."

I almost fell on my back, stool and all.
"But how?! But how do they buy things, and pay their employees?"
He gave a sigh and responded:
"Well, this is a very lengthy affair, but I will try to explain to you. Akart was all divided up into countries and each one had their own type of government and money. That being the case when they began to feel the problems of overpopulation, those better off commenced to acquire every palm of our land and thus, those who had money obtained and owned more space than they needed to live, while those less favored by fortune were banished to the streets. This resulted in dishonesty, robberies, several wars, and all the rest.


Always because of the evils of money. The whole planet was an inferno; a few survived and others in greater number died of hunger, misery and pains. Then when it seemed like all was lost, there emerged the greatest scientist of all times here on Akart."

"And what did he do?"
"He discovered the means to take advantage of the very energy of the Sun."
"What did that have to do with the money situation?"
"Many things. Once discovered, he and two more of his followers, invented the arms which we still have."
"Was he rich or poor?"
"Very rich, but he spent all his fortunes on investigations and experiments which resulted in benefits for all."
"In what manner?"

"In the following way: When he succeeded in inventing the neutralizer (beam weapon), he told nobody of his invention, but gave adequate proof of what he could do with such a weapon. He threatened all of the countries, that if they could not find a common denominator for their differences, he would use the weapon. He presented a global plan for the salvation of the planet. Then all or almost all accepted and obeyed him. His first step was to abolish all the frontiers, making all of Akart only one country; the second was to level all of the cities to equal rights and obligations. To obtain this, he had to get rid of the money, and this automatically ended profits, speculations, robbery, usury and many other things, proceeding from money."
"Then he must have been some kind of dictator?"

"No, he did not become directly the Government, but nevertheless gave ideas to others who then put them into practice."
"Certainly he depended on the support of some strong country?"
"No. It is as I said. Ninety percent of the population of Akart lived in oppression and misery, and thus they understood his ideas and supported him. The remaining ten percent could do nothing, and finally, they accepted also. And as the people helped to install this regime, the sane people had the right to select their governors. They proposed that the scientist be selected, but he would not accept, however he indicated one son of his. That one was selected and became the first Governor of all of Akart. Since the scientist was called the man of the Sun, thanks to his discoveries, his son was called the Son of the Sun. From this proceeded the tradition of calling our president the 'Son of the Sun'."
"Ah! For that reason?"
"That is it."
"I thought it was a sacred name."
"No. It is not, as you can see."
"When and for how long is the governor of Akart then selected?"
"Every three years (Akartian)." (= 5 Earth years and 6 Earth months.)

"But how can you get along without money to buy or sell the things? How do you do it?"
"Here, nobody needs to buy or sell anything. There is enough work (for those who are apt) that they can have all that they need or desire, without the immoralities. Here, it is a crime for anyone to refuse to work. We came to the conclusion, that money is the work of the evil doings. Without it many evils are avoided."
"Are they obligated to work until after they are old?"
"No. The people work so many hours per day or night and for the hours that are left, they can go where they like, eat or drink in any public place, without extravagances, and do as they please. In every year there is a period of rest; then they can travel throughout all of Akart -- and see and do what they please, traveling by whatever means they prefer. For this there is enough available, which is furnished by the Government. And they have more: What one citizen has, they all have, because here all that is produced obeys a global plan; such as homes, the ships, dress, alimentation, etc."

"Up to what age do they have to work?
"It is like this: Until 11 years (Akartian) they have to study; from there forward they are going to work in a profession which was approved by the schools; They work until 36 years (Akartian) and after that retire. Then, they can stay in one place the rest of their life, or travel wherever they want, live in one fixed place or live in a hotel, or various hotels, as they choose. They have all the assistance and attention they require for the rest of their life."
"Is this law also for women?"
"Well, the women also study up till 11 years; and after that then they may marry and care for a home, or if they do not want to do that, they are obligated to work according to their profession." ...
(Note: When they go on interplanetary voyages, their laws stipulate that it is a crime to bring back terrestrials on the planet they visit, back to Akart. The commander of the ship that brought the earthman, Artur, to Akart, he was demoted in rank to an operator.)
"I don’t understand how the commander of an interplanetary ship, of such high position, could pass to become an operator, because of an unfortunate such as I? "

"Yes, because our laws concerning the terrestrials is as follows: We must not touch nor kill, still less bring one from another planet back to Akart, as it your case. Here the laws are made by man, and those that disobey must pay for their disobedience. "
"I thought that a functionary of such high position would have some rights."
"No! Here we have neither highs nor lows. All are as equals, even the Son of the Sun (their governor). When he finishes his days as governor, for which he was selected by all the people, he will return to the plow the fields, if that is from where he had come. "

"What are these mines of solar steel? "

"Solar steel is a special steel whose utility, I believe, still has not been discovered on Earth. It is of that which we make our solar ships, like that in which you traveled with me, and other things as well. It has many other uses." ...


The Akart ETs spoke very briefly in the 1950s about the then three
factions. Today, there are four factions.
Until the 1950s prior, there were two rival factions. Emerging
later was a third faction, but the third was still sketchy.
The Akart ETs have been silent for many years now. They are still
monitoring the planet Earth. They believe that we waste too much
time fighting, and should have been at peace long ago.


"We are not exactly unaware that there on your Earth, there exist two or
more factions which are in conflict, and all possess atomic bombs, with
high destructive power, and they continue to make more all the time, and
of greater scale. If instead of using the nuclear energy for destructive
ends and they used it constructively, our hopes would be nullified."
"What hopes?"

"To inhabit the Earth."
"Are you saying that you intend to invade the Earth?"
"Yes, but as I have already said, not on those terms. Let me explain in
what manner. You must be aware that an atomic war on Earth is
inevitable, and, even if we wanted to instigate it, we could, since it
would only be necessary to intercept an airplane or ship of either
faction, that the one would judge that it was the other. But, we are not
going to intervene in any such manner, because we have come to the
conclusion that they would not resist for much time the curiosity to see
the foul-up that caused the situation, and, when this happens, none of
them will escape the devastation, because with only a few of those
bombs, the whole terrestrial globe will be contaminated. Once this
happens, we can peacefully take over the whole planet, because those few
who remain will be in no position to offer resistance; on the contrary,
they will welcome us."

"But what future is there when the terrestrial globe contaminated by
destruction and radioactive poison?"
"Whether it is contaminated constitutes no problem for us."
"Why not?
"Because, here we have an apparatus which neutralizes the malefic
effects of radioactive poison, transforming it into fertilizer for the
soil and other things."
"If such a war happened, how much time would you wait before going into
"We would go into action as soon as the war ended, because it would cost
us to wait, as the vegetation would all die in the zones of
"And if there was a victor who had not suffered either human or material
"There is no victor in such a war. They would attack each other
mutually; we are certain of this, because we know all the secrets of the
terrestrials, against which they know practically nothing concerning

"But if I tell them what is here, and what I have seen and heard on
"Not tomorrow, I give you all the reason when I say that nobody is going
to want to believe you."

"What suddenly interests me is that which awakened the Son of the Sun
and the Council, when from one moment to the next, after finding danger
in my return to Earth, he asked me to make a written account of all that
I saw, heard and felt here, and to try to divulge it? Perhaps it was to
test my loyalty?"
"I can tell you that it was not for that; we are interested in a large
part of the terrestrials having knowledge of some possible narrative of
yours in this respect, and, as is to be hoped, nobody is going to
believe it at this time."
"Why not at this time?"
"Because they are only going to believe when some of these facts have
been confirmed."
"How will this benefit them and when?"

"When they come out of the war and we appear on the Earth. The few who
survive, due to your knowledgeable aid, will know something of our
system of government, our manner of life and being, and thus will not
offer us resistance, which would be useless to try."

(NOTE: The Akartians maintain a base here on Earth for some centuries
now. And ever so often they rotate their staff there. They have built a
huge space platform several miles in diameter some distance away from
their home planet. This station they use as a stop over point, to station
thousands of space ships, etc. Their spaceships travel over 311 miles
per second or over 18,660 miles per minute. This group has anti-matter beam
weapons. Earth terrestrials will not have anti-matter beam weapons
until about the year 2990 A.D. and it is this weapon they will use to
vaporize the planet Mars from the Sol System in a brutal interplanetary war.
It will be the last war the earthman fight, before he realizes peace
is the only way.)

"I would like to broaden the question on one point: Are you saying that
you are going to come as owners of the house, and not as rangers, is
that it?"
"Well, I have already said that we are not going to do anything bad to
anybody. Now, once you have done the mischief by your hands, nothing is
more logical than that we benefit you. We Akartians, by force of
circumstances, have learned to be realists. This question is comparable
with a fable that my father always told when I was a boy, which is as
"A man who had innumerable cages thought it well to place birds in
almost all of them. He had two hanging one beside the other. In these
two cages the birds were multiplying; one came to the point where there
was no more room for more, but they lived well adjusted and were each
contented with a place to sit. Thus all those that the man allowed to
hatch, also were given the means to live.

Contrary to the first, the second, had plenty of space, however they commenced to quarrel; each one
wanted the better place; the stronger lived comfortably and the weak had
to get used to the corners and be satisfied with the crumbs. The roost
there was left to the strong. Each one wanted to be better and to
control. Finally a struggle broke out, so fierce that they mutually
destroyed each other, and with them also most of the weak ones, who had
nothing to do with this. The man, on seeing this, gave access to those
of the other cage of which he moved half to the first. These went there
and reconstructed the broken nests, resuscitating some of those who had
escaped with their lives, and thus they were able to live in peace for
many years, without worrying about the problem of space, as much in one
cage as the other."

"I understand the moral, unhappily for us terrestrials, perhaps this
same thing is going to come to pass. It is somewhat similar to Earth and
Akart." I said with my head down.
After some minutes of silence between us, I asked:
"Do you, sir, not feel that you have erred in showing and explaining to
me, all this with respect to your arms and means of locomotion? Since
once I return to Earth, if I am given the time to do this in the manner
in which you have explained all, I think the government would give me
the necessary means, and I have the impression that I could come to a

He swallowed dryly and leaned back to respond; and then between
reprimanding and fear, he said:
"Well, in the first place, I believe you are not even thinking of doing
this; and second, the terrestrials at the moment do not have materials
to this end at their disposal. But, please, do not speak to me of
similar things anymore, because if anyone here suspected what we are
doing, perhaps you would have to live here on Akart the rest of your
days of life. I cannot say anything more, because I cannot judge their
capabilities, neither in one thing or another."
Only then was it that I saw where I had put myself with my foolish
suppositions, and I responded:
"But it is not that I judge myself capable of this. It is scarcely a
"This I know, but you are not going to want to nuke these suppositions
known to the Son of the Sun and the Council!"
Saying this, he stopped talking, and remained with the fingers of his
hands interlaced, pensive.

Also the contactperson Billy Meier got some on this planet:

Meier: How far outside our solar system is the next inhabitated
system, and does that world's inhabitants know of our Earth?

Ptaah : The next inhabited system is around five light years away from
Earth. Different worlds in that system are inhabited by human forms of
life, who differ little from your races. In their development, they are
some years in advance of that of Earth human beings, spiritually as well
as technologically. They have already achieved space flight in primitive
form, and also do visit Earth. Because their cosmic flight capabilities
are very limited, they depend on assistance stations. Mid-way between
their world and Earth, they have constructed a space station, which you
can see far outside in space there (pointing to the viewing screen). They
need such stations because they are still unable to launch their ships
over large distances.

Also, connected to their space-flight now is severe body pain, from which
they narcotize themselves for longer journeys in the cosmos. Besides the
other races of these worlds, this one race comes often to Earth. This is
because their homeworld, which is no greater than Earth herself, suffers
from - OVERCROWDING -, and needs huge quantities of food. For this
reason, beings from that planet, called AKART come to Earth often, to
collect there plants, vegetables, fruits and grains, to nourish their
- 23 BILLION - population. They are mostly satisfied with taking seeds of
fruits, grains, and vegetables, and also plant stocks, to set out on AKART
- to grow there.

They collect more useable nourishment's on other (less populated) worlds
which they also visit often and periodically. In them selves, these forms
are of rather peaceful character, and have had to suffer much in the last
centuries. Today they live under a dictatorship, as you would call it, by
which they have relatively better living conditions. Their great problem
is their severe overcrowding, which they could relieve by emigration, but
their technologies have not solved space transportation on sufficient
scale to be of help.


"The population of that human-inhabited planet, Akart, about the same size as Earth, suddenly swelled with 62 Billion refugees, who arrived on Akart as refugees from wars in their own home systems. The population of Akart went up to an unbelievable number of 126 billion. Naturally, the planet could not support such a gigantic number of people and a pestilence broke out.

In only 18 months, 124.5 billion people died. This was called the "Time of the Great Death". The planet today has a population of 1.26 Billion, about 1 % of what it was before 99% were decimated."

Meier: That is a lot. But do other creatures of that system also come to Earth, and why don’t they assist that overpopulated planet?

Ptaah: The others come there, and also to Earth, but this occurs rather seldom The reason they do not assist the overpopulated race, is that these creatures have not proceeded far enough in their development or their improvement to offer them greater technical and spiritual help. These humans are still too much caught up in the material and worldly things, and are not allowed access to greater power."

UFO Akart News


Posted By: TONZAL [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 20-Sep-2004 04:58:13

In Response To: A PLANET WITHOUT MONEY; SCIENTIST OVERTHROW ARISTOCRATS (TONZAL) The Akart ETs spoke very briefly in the 1950s about the then three
factions. Today, there are four factions.

Until the 1950s prior, there were two rival factions. Emerging
later was a third faction, but the third was still sketchy.

The Akart ETs have been silent for many years now. They are still
monitoring the planet Earth. They believe that we waste too much
time fighting, and should have been at peace long ago.



"We are not exactly unaware that there on your Earth, there exist two or
more factions which are in conflict, and all possess atomic bombs, with
high destructive power, and they continue to make more all the time, and
of greater scale. If instead of using the nuclear energy for destructive
ends and they used it constructively, our hopes would be nullified."

"What hopes?"

"To inhabit the Earth."

"Are you saying that you intend to invade the Earth?"

"Yes, but as I have already said, not on those terms. Let me explain in
what manner. You must be aware that an atomic war on Earth is
inevitable, and, even if we wanted to instigate it, we could, since it
would only be necessary to intercept an airplane or ship of either
faction, that the one would judge that it was the other. But, we are not
going to intervene in any such manner, because we have come to the
conclusion that they would not resist for much time the curiosity to see
the foul-up that caused the situation, and, when this happens, none of
them will escape the devastation, because with only a few of those
bombs, the whole terrestrial globe will be contaminated. Once this
happens, we can peacefully take over the whole planet, because those few
who remain will be in no position to offer resistance; on the contrary,
they will welcome us."

"But what future is there when the terrestrial globe contaminated by
destruction and radioactive poison?"

"Whether it is contaminated constitutes no problem for us."

"Why not?

"Because, here we have an apparatus which neutralizes the malefic
effects of radioactive poison, transforming it into fertilizer for the
soil and other things."

"If such a war happened, how much time would you wait before going into

"We would go into action as soon as the war ended, because it would cost
us to wait, as the vegetation would all die in the zones of

"And if there was a victor who had not suffered either human or material

"There is no victor in such a war. They would attack each other
mutually; we are certain of this, because we know all the secrets of the
terrestrials, against which they know practically nothing concerning

"But if I tell them what is here, and what I have seen and heard on

"Not tomorrow, I give you all the reason when I say that nobody is going
to want to believe you."

"What suddenly interests me is that which awakened the Son of the Sun
and the Council, when from one moment to the next, after finding danger
in my return to Earth, he asked me to make a written account of all that
I saw, heard and felt here, and to try to divulge it? Perhaps it was to
test my loyalty?"

"I can tell you that it was not for that; we are interested in a large
part of the terrestrials having knowledge of some possible narrative of
yours in this respect, and, as is to be hoped, nobody is going to
believe it at this time."

"Why not at this tine?"

"Because they are only going to believe when some of these facts have
been confirmed."

"How will this benefit them and when?"

"When they come out of the war and we appear on the Earth. The few who
survive, due to your knowledgeable aid, will know something of our
system of government, our manner of life and being, and thus will not
offer us resistance, which would be useless to try."

(NOTE: The Akartians maintain a base here on Earth for some centuries
now. And ever so often they rotate their staff there. They have built a
huge space platform several miles in diameter some distance away from
their home planet. This station they use as a stop over point, to station
thousands of space ships, etc. Their spaceships travel over 311 miles
per second or over 18,660 miles per minute. This group has anti-matter beam
weapons. Earth terrestrials will not have anti-matter beam weapons
until about the year 2990 A.D. and it is this weapon they will use to
vaporize the planet Mars from the Sol System in a brutal interplanetary war.
It will be the last war the earthman fight, before he realizes peace
is the only way.)

"I would like to broaden the question on one point: Are you saying that
you are going to come as owners of the house, and not as rangers, is
that it?"

"Well, I have already said that we are not going to do anything bad to
anybody. Now, once you have done the mischief by your hands, nothing is
more logical than that we benefit you. We Akartians, by force of
circumstances, have learned to be realists. This question is comparable
with a fable that my father always told when I was a boy, which is as

"A man who had innumerable cages thought it well to place birds in
almost all of them. He had two hanging one beside the other. In these
two cages the birds were multiplying; one came to the point where there
was no more room for more, but they lived well adjusted and were each
contented with a place to sit. Thus all those that the man allowed to
hatch, also were given the means to live. Contrary to the first, the
second, had plenty of space, however they commenced to quarrel; each one
wanted the better place; the stronger lived comfortably and the weak had
to get used to the corners and be satisfied with the crumbs. The roost
there was left to the strong. Each one wanted to be better and to
control. Finally a struggle broke out, so fierce that they mutually
destroyed each other, and with them also most of the weak ones, who had
nothing to do with this. The man, on seeing this, gave access to those
of the other cage of which he moved half to the first. These went there
and reconstructed the broken nests, resuscitating some of those who had
escaped with their lives, and thus they were able to live in peace for
many years, without worrying about the problem of space, as much in one
cage as the other."

"I understand the moral, unhappily for us terrestrials, perhaps this
same thing is going to come to pass. It is somewhat similar to Earth and
Akart." I said with my head down.

After some minutes of silence between us, I asked:

"Do you, sir, not feel that you have erred in showing and explaining to
me, all this with respect to your arms and means of locomotion? Since
once I return to Earth, if I am given the time to do this in the manner
in which you have explained all, I think the government would give me
the necessary means, and I have the impression that I could come to a

He swallowed dryly and leaned back to respond; and then between
reprimanding and fear, he said:

"Well, in the first place, I believe you are not even thinking of doing
this; and second, the terrestrials at the moment do not have materials
to this end at their disposal. But, please, do not speak to me of
similar things anymore, because if anyone here suspected what we are
doing, perhaps you would have to live here on Akart the rest of your
days of life. I cannot say anything more, because I cannot judge their
capabilities, neither in one thing or another."

Only then was it that I saw where I had put myself with my foolish
suppositions, and I responded:

"But it is not that I judge myself capable of this. It is scarcely a

"This I know, but you are not going to want to nuke these suppositions
known to the Son of the Sun and the Council!"

Saying this, he stopped talking, and remained with the fingers of his
hands interlaced, pensive.



"For several years the United States and other nations have been pursuing the
treaty, which would ban new production by any state of highly enriched
uranium and plutonium for weapons."

"At an arms control meeting in Geneva this week, the Bush administration told
other nations it still supported a treaty, but not verification."