segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009

endereço wendelle stevens

plantios Acart


link to more from this book | ET-contact table

and that is why the "moneypeople" here on Earth are afraid of this kind of information to come out - and do their best to frighten the common people away from "spacepeople" and their information on alternatives to the money/slave-society here.

art of a norwegian contactcase from the 70ths - to some civ. in "M13" which seemed to have a real high tech level. (mer on Arve) | short introvideo on this case on youtube

A genuinely transitional story was that of Arthur Berlet, whose alleged 1958 encounter surfaced in 1965. The story begins with classic abduction motifs: stunned by a beam of light, doorway amnesia, wakes up on a bed in a strange environment. Thereafter the story trails off into an exceptionally dull narrative of his adventures on the planet Acart, to where he had been abducted by an insubordinate saucer captain who wanted him to tend the biological specimens. On Acart the contrite leadership gave him a guided tour while expounding on the population explosion.

Just some information I came across: Wendelle Stevens also put out a book titled something like "Contact from Planet Acart". This book was about a person from earth who was picked up and taken to this planet for 3 days.

"...After that, we went to the trees and sat down comfortably on some stools similar to chairs that rotated. I put my hands behind my head and, thus remained for some minutes. But in that calm, I commenced to reflect and I saw in my mind an infinity of things that I was still unable to explain satisfactorily. Brusquely, I raised my body and remained seated, resolving to ask Acorc to explain some of these things that I did not understand.
One of these was that, since I had come to Akart, I still had not seen anybody pullout money to pay for anything. We had just eaten a meal with nearly 1,000 people and nobody had paid anything.
With relation to us, I had some kind of explanation, since we had that paper, which could perhaps be a form of requisition by the government; but... the rest?
To clear up this doubt I asked:
"What kind of money do you have here?"
He raised up and sat in the same position as I, right in front of me and said:
"Money? We have no money here on Akart."

I almost fell on my back, stool and all.
"But how?! But how do they buy things, and pay their employees?"
He gave a sigh and responded:
"Well, this is a very lengthy affair, but I will try to explain to you. Akart was all divided up into countries and each one had their own type of government and money. That being the case when they began to feel the problems of overpopulation, those better off commenced to acquire every palm of our land and thus, those who had money obtained and owned more space than they needed to live, while those less favored by fortune were banished to the streets. This resulted in dishonesty, robberies, several wars, and all the rest.


Always because of the evils of money. The whole planet was an inferno; a few survived and others in greater number died of hunger, misery and pains. Then when it seemed like all was lost, there emerged the greatest scientist of all times here on Akart."

"And what did he do?"
"He discovered the means to take advantage of the very energy of the Sun."
"What did that have to do with the money situation?"
"Many things. Once discovered, he and two more of his followers, invented the arms which we still have."
"Was he rich or poor?"
"Very rich, but he spent all his fortunes on investigations and experiments which resulted in benefits for all."
"In what manner?"

"In the following way: When he succeeded in inventing the neutralizer (beam weapon), he told nobody of his invention, but gave adequate proof of what he could do with such a weapon. He threatened all of the countries, that if they could not find a common denominator for their differences, he would use the weapon. He presented a global plan for the salvation of the planet. Then all or almost all accepted and obeyed him. His first step was to abolish all the frontiers, making all of Akart only one country; the second was to level all of the cities to equal rights and obligations. To obtain this, he had to get rid of the money, and this automatically ended profits, speculations, robbery, usury and many other things, proceeding from money."
"Then he must have been some kind of dictator?"

"No, he did not become directly the Government, but nevertheless gave ideas to others who then put them into practice."
"Certainly he depended on the support of some strong country?"
"No. It is as I said. Ninety percent of the population of Akart lived in oppression and misery, and thus they understood his ideas and supported him. The remaining ten percent could do nothing, and finally, they accepted also. And as the people helped to install this regime, the sane people had the right to select their governors. They proposed that the scientist be selected, but he would not accept, however he indicated one son of his. That one was selected and became the first Governor of all of Akart. Since the scientist was called the man of the Sun, thanks to his discoveries, his son was called the Son of the Sun. From this proceeded the tradition of calling our president the 'Son of the Sun'."
"Ah! For that reason?"
"That is it."
"I thought it was a sacred name."
"No. It is not, as you can see."
"When and for how long is the governor of Akart then selected?"
"Every three years (Akartian)." (= 5 Earth years and 6 Earth months.)

"But how can you get along without money to buy or sell the things? How do you do it?"
"Here, nobody needs to buy or sell anything. There is enough work (for those who are apt) that they can have all that they need or desire, without the immoralities. Here, it is a crime for anyone to refuse to work. We came to the conclusion, that money is the work of the evil doings. Without it many evils are avoided."
"Are they obligated to work until after they are old?"
"No. The people work so many hours per day or night and for the hours that are left, they can go where they like, eat or drink in any public place, without extravagances, and do as they please. In every year there is a period of rest; then they can travel throughout all of Akart -- and see and do what they please, traveling by whatever means they prefer. For this there is enough available, which is furnished by the Government. And they have more: What one citizen has, they all have, because here all that is produced obeys a global plan; such as homes, the ships, dress, alimentation, etc."

"Up to what age do they have to work?
"It is like this: Until 11 years (Akartian) they have to study; from there forward they are going to work in a profession which was approved by the schools; They work until 36 years (Akartian) and after that retire. Then, they can stay in one place the rest of their life, or travel wherever they want, live in one fixed place or live in a hotel, or various hotels, as they choose. They have all the assistance and attention they require for the rest of their life."
"Is this law also for women?"
"Well, the women also study up till 11 years; and after that then they may marry and care for a home, or if they do not want to do that, they are obligated to work according to their profession." ...
(Note: When they go on interplanetary voyages, their laws stipulate that it is a crime to bring back terrestrials on the planet they visit, back to Akart. The commander of the ship that brought the earthman, Artur, to Akart, he was demoted in rank to an operator.)
"I don’t understand how the commander of an interplanetary ship, of such high position, could pass to become an operator, because of an unfortunate such as I? "

"Yes, because our laws concerning the terrestrials is as follows: We must not touch nor kill, still less bring one from another planet back to Akart, as it your case. Here the laws are made by man, and those that disobey must pay for their disobedience. "
"I thought that a functionary of such high position would have some rights."
"No! Here we have neither highs nor lows. All are as equals, even the Son of the Sun (their governor). When he finishes his days as governor, for which he was selected by all the people, he will return to the plow the fields, if that is from where he had come. "

"What are these mines of solar steel? "

"Solar steel is a special steel whose utility, I believe, still has not been discovered on Earth. It is of that which we make our solar ships, like that in which you traveled with me, and other things as well. It has many other uses." ...


The Akart ETs spoke very briefly in the 1950s about the then three
factions. Today, there are four factions.
Until the 1950s prior, there were two rival factions. Emerging
later was a third faction, but the third was still sketchy.
The Akart ETs have been silent for many years now. They are still
monitoring the planet Earth. They believe that we waste too much
time fighting, and should have been at peace long ago.


"We are not exactly unaware that there on your Earth, there exist two or
more factions which are in conflict, and all possess atomic bombs, with
high destructive power, and they continue to make more all the time, and
of greater scale. If instead of using the nuclear energy for destructive
ends and they used it constructively, our hopes would be nullified."
"What hopes?"

"To inhabit the Earth."
"Are you saying that you intend to invade the Earth?"
"Yes, but as I have already said, not on those terms. Let me explain in
what manner. You must be aware that an atomic war on Earth is
inevitable, and, even if we wanted to instigate it, we could, since it
would only be necessary to intercept an airplane or ship of either
faction, that the one would judge that it was the other. But, we are not
going to intervene in any such manner, because we have come to the
conclusion that they would not resist for much time the curiosity to see
the foul-up that caused the situation, and, when this happens, none of
them will escape the devastation, because with only a few of those
bombs, the whole terrestrial globe will be contaminated. Once this
happens, we can peacefully take over the whole planet, because those few
who remain will be in no position to offer resistance; on the contrary,
they will welcome us."

"But what future is there when the terrestrial globe contaminated by
destruction and radioactive poison?"
"Whether it is contaminated constitutes no problem for us."
"Why not?
"Because, here we have an apparatus which neutralizes the malefic
effects of radioactive poison, transforming it into fertilizer for the
soil and other things."
"If such a war happened, how much time would you wait before going into
"We would go into action as soon as the war ended, because it would cost
us to wait, as the vegetation would all die in the zones of
"And if there was a victor who had not suffered either human or material
"There is no victor in such a war. They would attack each other
mutually; we are certain of this, because we know all the secrets of the
terrestrials, against which they know practically nothing concerning

"But if I tell them what is here, and what I have seen and heard on
"Not tomorrow, I give you all the reason when I say that nobody is going
to want to believe you."

"What suddenly interests me is that which awakened the Son of the Sun
and the Council, when from one moment to the next, after finding danger
in my return to Earth, he asked me to make a written account of all that
I saw, heard and felt here, and to try to divulge it? Perhaps it was to
test my loyalty?"
"I can tell you that it was not for that; we are interested in a large
part of the terrestrials having knowledge of some possible narrative of
yours in this respect, and, as is to be hoped, nobody is going to
believe it at this time."
"Why not at this time?"
"Because they are only going to believe when some of these facts have
been confirmed."
"How will this benefit them and when?"

"When they come out of the war and we appear on the Earth. The few who
survive, due to your knowledgeable aid, will know something of our
system of government, our manner of life and being, and thus will not
offer us resistance, which would be useless to try."

(NOTE: The Akartians maintain a base here on Earth for some centuries
now. And ever so often they rotate their staff there. They have built a
huge space platform several miles in diameter some distance away from
their home planet. This station they use as a stop over point, to station
thousands of space ships, etc. Their spaceships travel over 311 miles
per second or over 18,660 miles per minute. This group has anti-matter beam
weapons. Earth terrestrials will not have anti-matter beam weapons
until about the year 2990 A.D. and it is this weapon they will use to
vaporize the planet Mars from the Sol System in a brutal interplanetary war.
It will be the last war the earthman fight, before he realizes peace
is the only way.)

"I would like to broaden the question on one point: Are you saying that
you are going to come as owners of the house, and not as rangers, is
that it?"
"Well, I have already said that we are not going to do anything bad to
anybody. Now, once you have done the mischief by your hands, nothing is
more logical than that we benefit you. We Akartians, by force of
circumstances, have learned to be realists. This question is comparable
with a fable that my father always told when I was a boy, which is as
"A man who had innumerable cages thought it well to place birds in
almost all of them. He had two hanging one beside the other. In these
two cages the birds were multiplying; one came to the point where there
was no more room for more, but they lived well adjusted and were each
contented with a place to sit. Thus all those that the man allowed to
hatch, also were given the means to live.

Contrary to the first, the second, had plenty of space, however they commenced to quarrel; each one
wanted the better place; the stronger lived comfortably and the weak had
to get used to the corners and be satisfied with the crumbs. The roost
there was left to the strong. Each one wanted to be better and to
control. Finally a struggle broke out, so fierce that they mutually
destroyed each other, and with them also most of the weak ones, who had
nothing to do with this. The man, on seeing this, gave access to those
of the other cage of which he moved half to the first. These went there
and reconstructed the broken nests, resuscitating some of those who had
escaped with their lives, and thus they were able to live in peace for
many years, without worrying about the problem of space, as much in one
cage as the other."

"I understand the moral, unhappily for us terrestrials, perhaps this
same thing is going to come to pass. It is somewhat similar to Earth and
Akart." I said with my head down.
After some minutes of silence between us, I asked:
"Do you, sir, not feel that you have erred in showing and explaining to
me, all this with respect to your arms and means of locomotion? Since
once I return to Earth, if I am given the time to do this in the manner
in which you have explained all, I think the government would give me
the necessary means, and I have the impression that I could come to a

He swallowed dryly and leaned back to respond; and then between
reprimanding and fear, he said:
"Well, in the first place, I believe you are not even thinking of doing
this; and second, the terrestrials at the moment do not have materials
to this end at their disposal. But, please, do not speak to me of
similar things anymore, because if anyone here suspected what we are
doing, perhaps you would have to live here on Akart the rest of your
days of life. I cannot say anything more, because I cannot judge their
capabilities, neither in one thing or another."
Only then was it that I saw where I had put myself with my foolish
suppositions, and I responded:
"But it is not that I judge myself capable of this. It is scarcely a
"This I know, but you are not going to want to nuke these suppositions
known to the Son of the Sun and the Council!"
Saying this, he stopped talking, and remained with the fingers of his
hands interlaced, pensive.

Also the contactperson Billy Meier got some on this planet:

Meier - ... How far outside our solar system is the next innabitated
system, and does that world's inhabitants know of our Earth?

Ptaah - The next inhabited system is around five light years away from
Earth. Different worlds in that system are inhabited by human forms of
life, who differ little from your races. In their development, they are
some years in advance of that of Earth human beings, spiritually as well
as technologically. They have already achieved space flight in primitive
form, and also do visit Earth. Because their cosmic flight capabilities
are very limited, they depend on assistance stations. Mid-way between
their world and Earth, they have constructed a space station, which you
can see far outside in space there (pointing to the viewing screen). They
need such stations because they are still unable to launch their ships
over large distances.

Also, connected to their space-flight now is severe body pain, from which
they narcotize themselves for longer journeys in the cosmos. Besides the
other races of these worlds, this one race comes often to Earth. This is
because their homeworld, which is no greater than Earth herself, suffers
from - OVERCROWDING -, and needs huge quantities of food. For this
reason, beings from that planet, called AKART come to Earth often, to
collect there plants, vegetables, fruits and grains, to nourish their
- 23 BILLION - population. They are mostly satisfied with taking seeds of
fruits, grains, and vegetables, and also plant stocks, to set out on AKART
- to grow there.

They collect more useable nourishment's on other (less populated) worlds
which they also visit often and periodically. In them selves, these forms
are of rather peaceful character, and have had to suffer much in the last
centuries. Today they live under a dictatorship, as you would call it, by
which they have relatively better living conditions. Their great problem
is their severe overcrowding, which they could relieve by emigration, but
their technologies have not solved space transportation on sufficient
scale to be of help.

(And we, on Earth, thought we have severeOvercrowding /Overpopulation...problems!! read how the IARGA planet solved this)


more information from Ptaah regarding Akart a few years ago:

"The population of that human-inhabited planet, Akart, about the same size as Earth, suddenly swelled with 62 Billion refugees, who arrived on Akart as refugees from wars in their own home systems. The population of Akart went up to an unbelievable number of 126 billion. Naturally, the planet could not support such a gigantic number of people and a pestilence broke out.

In only 18 months, 124.5 billion people died. This was called the "Time of the Great Death". The planet today has a population of 1.26 Billion, about 1 % of what it was before 99% were decimated."

link to more from this book | et-contact table

terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009

small planet between jupiter and mars

(BLICK, Jan. 30, 1996)

Zürich -- Will ET call some day? Some shrewd fellow from the Basel/Bâle region had an expensive 156 number telephone service installed [equivalent to the American "900" numbers] for extraterrestrial abduction victims! When the phone rings for 28-year-old social worker Markus Eschbach, his apartment turns into a commando bridge from "Star Trek." "What did these biorobotic hybrids look like?" he inquires.
Eschbach's "Extended Hand" (Tel. 156 ..., costs approx. $2.30 per minute) is a Hotline of the Third Kind -- a telephone aid for those harmed by the aliens.
Some callers have dreams about probes and needles, others tell of implantations or of sex with aliens. Eschbach, who evaluates, files and inputs all information into a data base, has become skeptical: "90 percent of the cases are charlatanry!" he reports. Eschbach will discuss his experiences at the Zürich UFO World Convention, February 22-25, 1996. Ufologists from every corner of the globe are expected to attend. The entire matter -- including Eschbach's special 156 telephone number -- does not come cheap. Entrance fees to the UFO Convention costs SFr. 450 or approxi mately $450.

In September/October 1995, British astrophysicists discovered a seventh Black Hole. It is part of the northern constellation Vulpecula in our Milky Way.

American astronomers recently discovered a galaxy 14 billion light years away where, according to their claims, no galaxy should rightfully exist. Although the Pleiadians/Plejarans and I have always declared that the universe is infinitely larger than terrestrial scientists are capable of imagining, scientists have always declared that the 14 billion light year mark represents the outer bounds of our universe. And yet, the space beyond the universe visible from Earth, even with the finest devices, is by no means the outer limit of the universe. Far beyond in the vastness of outer space exist immense accumulations of galaxies and the remote, nearly infinite expanse of the universe. The universe is subdivided into seven gigantic belts (see Bulletin #5, Dec.'95). Entire clusters of galaxies have been discovered with the aid of the Hubble Space Telescope. Robert Williams, Director of the Space Telescope Institute, states: "We can clearly see several galaxies that came into existence more than ten billion years ago." This statement pertains to the fact that the Hubble Space Telescope photographed 1500 galaxies in the depths of the universe, some of which glow so weakly that they were never before detected from Earth.
The discovery represents immense progress in the field of astronomy. And yet, even now scientific know-it-alls are already claiming: "These spectacular pictures not only represent a glimpse into the depths of outer space, but they convey to us a glimpse into the most remote past, to a point immediately after the Big Bang. Since the light from these clusters of galaxies required more than ten billion years to reach Earth and be captured by the Space Telescope, it conveys to us the universe's condition billions of years ago." They use this logic to support the concept that the universe began just a shade more than ten billion years ago, although only recently another galaxy was discovered at a distance of fourteen billion light years. What has happened to the intelligence of these astronomers who keep switching the universe's Big Bang onto any age they happen to pick from a hat -- which, in addition, is completely contrary to the truth. Doesn't it seem reasonable to assume, therefore, that the real Big Bang simply occurred in the brains of these scientists, where the event created incredible bewilderment and confusion?
The region of the universe photographed by the Hubble telescope is ridiculously small when compared to the entire night sky, and it covers a mere 1/30th the area of the full moon. The fact that at least 1500 galaxies could be photographically captured, in spite of the limited region depicted on the picture, was totally due to the immensity of the depths of space. Hence, further advanced galaxies are seen on the telescope's image "next" to much younger ones. In other words, the Hubble photograph is a selective snapshot across space and time that incorporates 342 individual photographs taken in the blue, infrared, red and ultraviolet range of wave lengths. Each photo of the identical region in the sky required an exposure of 15 to 40 minutes. Finally the many individual photos were assembled into a single one. This technique enables astronomers to guess the galaxies' age, distance, and components -- at least statistically.
This bevy of material does not entirely explain every facet of the universe, however, and many questions remain unanswered. On this photographic montage appear galaxies with the spiral shape of our Milky Way; others resemble balls or eggs. Terrestrial astronomers are puzzled at this point about the origin of the elliptical, ballshaped galaxies, and hold heated and frank discussions about this subject. They ponder whether these galaxies are the product of a different type of collision with galaxies, or if they are collapsed gas masses from a very early period of the universe, which perhaps, may be a galactic archetype. These are but two of the countless questions astronomers are expected to resolve.
This type of research represents but one aspect of the "Hubble Depth Field Project," although it is a key project to be performed with the aid of the space telescope. The ambitious program agenda also includes determining the universe's age and size and the testing of Big Bang theories, in order to better understand the spatial structure of the universe. This is truly an admirable task --- now if only the astronomers were not so obstinate and megalomanic in their beliefs that they are discovering the ultimate word of wisdom, along with the outer limits of the universe. In Existing Life in the Universe, a book I wrote in 1978, I already predicted the construction and launch of the Hubble Space Telescope into an Earth orbit. At that time I explained that magnificent discoveries were going to be made with this remarkable piece of apparatus which would necessitate the revision of many outdated claims and assumptions adhered to by terrestrial astronomers. And this is precisely what is taking place now that the telescope is functioning at a satisfactory level. Nonetheless, scientists refuse to relinquish their old, limited paradigms and will continue, therefore, to megalomanicly assume and claim they are capable of advancing to the limits of the universe. Unfortunately, the longer they maintain their attitude, the more setbacks they will encounter for they must realize they will repeatedly make mistakes. This arrogant trend will continue until they tumble from their high horses and accept the universe's actual size and birth from the same standpoint presented in the Spiritual Teachings.
New discoveries of galaxies in regions of space previously assumed empty are not only being revealed by the footage/photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope. Late 1994 and early 1995, U.S. astronomers discovered 50 galaxies in an area of the universe previously assumed barren. The area called "Bootes Void" is 500 times larger than our Milky Way.
The Hubble Telescope is presenting astronomers with many new discoveries and revelations they would never have dared to dream of before. The experts are as thrilled about their discoveries as the laymen who delight in these beautiful photographs from the depths of space. The Hubble Telescope project, regrettably, was not exactly blessed with good fortune at its inception. When, after decades in the planning and construction, the large telescope was finally launched by a space shuttle into an orbit around Earth in 1990, frustrated scientists discovered the precious instrument had a cutting flaw in its main mirror, which resulted in out-of-focus-photographs. The damage was rectified in 1993 under the direction of Claude Nicollier, a Swiss astronaut. (He is referred to as an "astronaut" with a bit of hyperbole, although he never flew into outer space but made a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump above Earth, just like every other "astronaut" and "cosmonaut," some of whom made two hops-skips-and-jumps to the Moon.) The telescope was fitted with "corrective glasses" in the form of an added lens. Since that time, the instrument has fulfilled all highflying scientific expectations.
The space telescope was named after American astronomer Edwin Hubble who discovered in the late 1920s that our universe is constantly expanding and that our galaxy, the Milky Way, is but one among millions, indeed billions, of others. (The Spiritual Teachings have stated this fact all along.)

And the "Flying Saucer" of Russia does exist --- a device constructed here on Earth. It is interesting to note that this flying device is very similar to the objects the Nazis designed, though they never completed or flew the units, never operated them in wartime, and whose unfinished blueprints disappeared at the end of WW II.
According to British journalists the "flying saucer" was tested in early 1994 with outstanding results; it was a 15 meter [45 ft.] wide "smaller" version of the so-called "Ekip", as the Russians named this flying device. It was stated that the unit could start and land anywhere, even on water. Rumor has it that at this very moment a larger "Ekip" is under construction and that the Russians are supposedly harboring plans to build still larger objects of this type, a "UFO" with the dimensions of a jumbo jet, capable of transporting 400 passengers or cargo of 40 tons through the air.

Chinese astronomers have discovered that in the next century two small planets will approach Earth to within one million kilometers. This is a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump in galactic terms, but regardless of the close encounter, it appears that the Earth will be in no real danger.

With a telescope in his garden shed, a British amateur astronomer discovered a previously unknown tiny planet traveling between Mars and Jupiter at a distance of 645 million kilometers [400 million miles] from Earth. The small planet will be named George Sallit 1, after its discoverer. The discovery was verified by U.S. astronomers. Sallit says he has been a hobby astronomer from the time he was 12 years old.


acartianso caso Bolivia Maromore

The German globetrotter Horst Fenner's ufo-meeting in Trinidad in -76
Translation of the letter from German (some of it below)

Trinidad, the 2nd of January 1976

Dear friends!

During my travel over the world, I have come to Trinidad now. You find my place at the river of MARMORE in the Lianos de mojos in BOLIVIA. I am here since three days, and have realized very many interesting things already. I have filled already some pages by typewriter, by my impressions and experiences. But yesterday early in the morning, I had an experience, which nearly let "jump my out of my boots". At first I considered for a hallucinations or a tropical frenzy, before I could convince myself to be fully well-up. Maybe you feel the same, when you read these my lines. But you know well about me and know, that I am no dreamer, and thus you simply have to believe to me, but this will surely be difficult for you. All is so much monstrous and crazy, that even today I search for mistakes in my brains and still believe to dream. But nevertheless all has happened exactly as I write this to you now, still standing under the impression of my yesterday event, which simply was monstrous for me, otherwise I can not express it. Do not consider me for being crazy or ill, for I am neither the one nor the other. I am as normal as you are, and as well not addicted to fantasies, as you know. Yet now let me tell you my experience of yesterday:

"There was just 5 o'clock in the morning, when I lolled out of my bed and prepared this day for going to the farer environment of Trinidad. About l0 minutes after getting up, I observed something in the morning sky, which I simply could not believe. All right, I already have read about Flying saucers, and heard about, but never considered about them and as well not believed. I always thought such assertions for chimeras. But now, very calm and without noise, such a flying saucer flew over Trinidad, got more and more deeper, and finally disappeared anywhere behind the backwoods. I believed me dreaming and rubbed my eyes, as this could simply not be true, what I just had seen.

The saucer appeared for me in my standing position like two laid together, semi-round great discs, just as a discus looks. At first I sat down for a while and deliberated; perhaps I should better return to the civilization and let examine myself thoroughly by a medic. But then I found the decision, that I should better examine the occurrence more thoroughly, before I would decide for such a step. So I took my compass then and defined the direction, where I believed to have seen going down the flying saucer. Then I packed my bundle and marched on, always exact the direction, which I had defined by the compass. This was quite exact east. In much troubles and sweat, I penetrated through the environment and the rankly growing backwoods, on and always on.

It seemed for me, like I would never reach my aim, and I already wanted to give up and to return. Already I was far more than three hours on the way and still had found nothing, and so I had but to have suffered from a hallucination, because from my calculation, I must have met with the saucer already since long time, if it really would have existed. All right, I still troubled myself heavily breathing and fully wet by sweat through the obstructive wood, as but already inspirited by the thought for returning. In spite of that, I did not start the return, for anything forced am irresistibly forwards. It seemed to me, like I would get drawn forwards without having a will and like by a magneto, against which I simply could not defense.

Then, this might have got continued about a further half hour, I finally believed to get crazy, because I suddenly realized something very great, metallic glittering through the bushes. First I stood stiff and non-believing, yet then I conquered myself and fought through the end of the way. And once more I believed to dream, because in a great clearing was floating only about one meter above ground a great discus of metal, surely nearly 14 or 15 meters large on diameter. Horrible was, that no noise or else a tone was listenable, and nevertheless this discus floated free above the ground simply in the air. Like grown tied, I stood at only about 20 meters away and stared unbelieving and inunderstanding towards the Flying saucer over there. I was able for no thought any more, and also could no more walk. I am accommodated to a lot, from all my travels, and rather hard-boiled, but yet this, I realized, let just stiffen me. This could and had simply not to be true, because this could simply not exist.

I don't know, for what time I have stood there and had not moved. I only know, suddenly touching anything at my arm, and that then I turned, inunderstanding, and like in a dream around. What then I realized, is me stiffen still more, as beside me were standing two men in diverdresses I still remember me wondering about that and asked myself, why this two would run, middle in the jungle, by diver's dresses. Firstly then got a presentiment, and I realized many differences. The dresses were evidently light and not so very heavy like the known to me, diverdresses. As well the silvery colour did not accord to me, the known dresses, and the two blond men kept no helmets, but had on their dresses appearing to me, instruments of different size and forms. Still stiffened, I could not speak a word, though the men, which evidently belonged to the flying saucers, looked not malicious and even laughed friendly.

Then suddenly one of them spoke anything, but I could not understand any word. There as well the second one tried, but by same result: I understood no word. Their language seemed totally strange for me, but of melodical and synpathic sound, that anyhow calmed me and seemed to loosen me from my stiffness.

The both about same-sized men, their size about to the mine, thus 1.74m, now took me at the arms and guided me to their flying saucer, what I let happen without a will. About five meters to the saucer, they had built up peculiar things, among which had been also some strange stools or chairs, on which we sat down, while I still could speak nothing. Smiling friendly now, one of the men talked to me, but again I could not understand anything. His speaking but had the effect, that the fallen onto me stiffness escaped fully now from me, and I got very calm, and now I suddenly could speak, too. By Spanish language I asked astonished for this, for me, inunderstandable occurence, yet evidently now I got not understood.

And I tried by English language, but by same failing. As well by my German language of home, I succeeded only same like. We simply could not talk together. Then once more one of the men talked at me by his melodically, sympathic voice, while he seized at his girdle end switched on a gear, hanging there and surely being not greater, than a cigarette box. While speaking then, suddenly his language changed, and same as sudden I heard Spanish words, then French, and suddenly German. I don't know why, but suddenly I was joyfully excited on it, what the men must have noticed, because the German language remained on, and at first now I noticed, the men talking by my home language at me. I still know very detailed, what they said first:

"now we can talk together by our language transformer. Be greeted and do not fear. We are here in peace and will part in peace again.". This was the first words I could understand, and I surely will never forget them by exact their sounding of words. It has been so much impressive on me that I memorized all very deeply; just believe it to me.

As now we could talk with another, I got asked far, whether I could take in reminiscence all by brain very well, when they, these both men, could explain different things for me. I agreed this question and explained, that I would write all at hand at once, if this were admitted, because I would be a globetrotter, who would earn his livelihood by reports of experiences. This would even be very rood, one gave for answer to me, what we would be short-hand writing, one wanted to know. I yet wandered far this question, yet I answered it correctly, what for they thanked me. So I searched out my shorthand block and a pencil, and started true to word writing down all, that got talked among us. So I can give you a true to the words copy of our talking, which surely will set you same as much to astonishment and nonbelieving, as myself. Yet let me tell you all in series, as I have written it down:

I am Kahun, the one of the both men said.

I am named Athar, was the announcement of the other one.

My name is Horst Fenner, I explained to them.

You live here in that wild land? Athar asked.

No, I am only tourist here, as I am from Germany.

What is a tourist? Athar asked me.

A visitor, was my answer.

Then Athar and I are tourists, meant Kahun. How shall I understand this, was my question.

Kahun answered: we are not from this world, which you name the Earth.

How shall I understand this now? I asked astonished.

We are coming from the stars, answered Kahun; we are no creatures from this world.

You want to make a joke with me, don't you? I asked, as I really believed, what they told being a joke.

No, we come from the stars of Proxima Centauri, as you name this group of stars, was the answer of Kahun. This is the laying next to this world-solar system, in distance of rounded 50 billion kilometers according your termination.

This can't but be, that's but utopical, I meant.

(It is easier, when I just put the names of the each speakers before each sentence. So I will write it this way:)

Kahun: we do not joke

Horst: then you must be starmen?

Kahun: so we are.

Horst: I can not believe.

Athar: we do not speak untruth.

Horst: shall i really believe this?

Kahun: it is the truth.

Horst: unbeliveable, what are you doing here?

'Kahun: we often come to the earth. We observe the events here and consider the development of the human beings. Unfortunately they are lying very much behind by religious misleading and because of political intrigues. The humans of the Earth could effect very much mischief by their wrong developments and fights for power, what way even more far in distance star systems could get afflicted. Because of this, we come to earth and observe, for to prevent eventually worst things.

Horst: This sounds quite unbelievable.

Kahun: we speak the truth.

Horst: If you really tell the truth, what will you both be able to effect, if really something would run wrong?

Kahun: Have no hesitations, we are not alone. Besides our Centaurians are still different other space-races on the earth, alone these are originated in much farer-distanced systems, than we do.

Horst: this all sounds like utopy for me. Yet what do you want to under-take against the development on the earth? You can not yet change all by power, this would but lead to a world war, and wherefrom are the other starmen?

Kahun: I have but explained for you, that we are telling truth. So it is not utopical. As well we don't want to take means against the earth, for this we have no justification, especially not by power, which is interdirected for us. So you have not to expect and fear a war from our side. We have many friends on the earth, with who we have contact, and who by that work, from our advices and orders in peaceful manner, do for the benefit of all earthhuman beings. They spread the knowledge about our existence and about our mission. You name these, your fellow-creaures, contactors. They work in our order, and get attacked with enmity because that. One accuses them of lie and of deceit, against what they unfortunately can not defend themselves. Unfortunately it does as well behave, that there mingle themselves among these good contactors, elements, too, who only exercise lie and deceit and joke, what way our mission gets menaced.

Especially the most important one of all contactors is exposed to greatest enmities, and even his life menaced. This is a man of very important worth, and he got educated as the prophet of the presence, whose missions are the most important at all, because he has to bring anew as prophet the real lessons of the truth towards the earth human beings. This is the lesson, which you call as the Lesson of the SPIRIT. These lessons get transmuted to him from the very highest spheres of spirit, in connection to space-races, coming from the starsign of the Lyra, the Plejades stars and the DAL-Universe.

Besides these, yet are still staying on earth different of the cosmic races or come here regularly. Unlimitedly but the highent and most important missions get performed by these space, who belong to the Plejadian stars, because they are the far descendants of the forefathers of the earthhuman beings, from what reason this great mission belongs to their field of justification. These cosmic races keep three different stations on the Earth, under the command of a leader by name QUETZAL, whose reputy is a woman creature in age of about 350 earthyears. Her name is Semjase, and she is the daughter of the most mightful comander of the plejadian spacefleet. At the earthly contactor to the plejadian race, it deals of an about 40-years-old man in the land you name as Switzerland.

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Dear Billy,

There is something I have been trying to figure out for a number of years, which I haven’t been able to truly come to a conclusion on my own.

Wendelle Stevens published a book in 1987 entitled “Contact from Planet Acart”. This book supposedly involved a man (Artur Berlet) in Brazil in 1958 who was taken to this planet (Acart) for a number of days and then returned to earth. Some of the material in the book seems to coincide with information Ptaah relayed to you in Contact 35 during your great space voyage. Additionally, there was more information released about the extreme overpopulation on this planet in a conversation with Ptaah during contact 235. Also, in Guido’s Book “And Still They Fly” there is mention of Mr. Horst Fenner in Bolivia who encountered two of these visitors from the same region of space.

Some of the similarities I found in Wendelles book which also were mentioned in contact 35 were the following:

1. Collecting grains and vegetables while visiting earth.
2. Mention of overpopulation on their planet
3. They drug themselves during space flight
4. Mention of a space platform (station) during space flight
5. The spelling is very similar: Akart/Acart (possible translation inaccuracy)

In Mr. Fenner’s exchange with the visitors he spoke German to them (they used language translators) and also Mr. Berlet mentioned he spoke German to the beings from Acart. Also, Mr Fenner’s encounter took place in Bolivia and according to Mr. Berlet his initial encounter took place in Brazil, both South American Countries.

Since this book “Contact from Planet Acart” was released in 1987, I am sure the possibility exists that someone could have read the contact notes, and then fabricated this entire story. On the other hand after reading the book, it occurred to me some of things mentioned could be legitimate although possibly distorted due to translation inaccuracies. To the best of your knowledge do you know if the book is a somewhat accurate and a truthful story, or a complete hoax created to sell books? (I apologize if this question was a bit long)

Thank you again for your help.


The „Contact from Planet Acart“ case is nonsense.


Hi Billy, I hope all is well with you and your health,

I would like to ask you a question regarding paranoid schizophrenia. This is an illness which I've been fighting for about 10 years now. I am in my late 20's. I developed this illness because of my involvement in the Christian faith in my late teens. It involved my fear of outside forces punishing me for "sins" I had committed. And since I had committed all these "sins" I had or have low self esteem. So I am always watchful for things in the outside world which would determine my fate, such as police watching me, or numbers I see or whatever. This backwards link to the outside world is causng me a lot of strife. I would really like to be a person that determines my own fate despite what I see in the outsde world. But it's this fear of the consequences of my actions that keeps me frozen in fear and I don't react to anything going on in my life. Like I said I would like to be a person that determines my own fate, but to get to that point in my development and overcome my fear? What is the departure point, or starting thought that I sould start out with if I were to overcome my fear? Thanks, and take care.


You should try to free yourself from the religious nonsense and delusion. This is really hard „work“! Note: There is no such thing as a „sin“.
The help of a non-religious psychiatrist may be helpful, but they are hard to find, depending on the country you live in.
Generally it can be said that people who were deeply religious in their actual life have great problems to free themselves from the bounds of religious thinking and feeling. Relapses are a frequent occurrence, unfortunately.


Hi Billy,

ptahh fala sobre Acart

Posted on Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 08:21 am:

Hello Billy
Recently i read a book "UFO contact from planet Acart" written by Artur Berlet. In the year 1958 he was abducted by Acartians and taken to overpopulated planet Acart which was not far from Eart and similar to Earth. In 1975, Ptaah also gave you similar information about planet Acart : it is only 5 light yers from eart, people are a bit more advanced than we, planet is overpopulated and Acartians often visited our planet to collect samples of plants, vegetables, fruits and grains.

My question : was Artur Berlet really abducted and visited Acart? If not, If he was lier, then how could he possibly know so much about Acart? He published his book long before Ptaah gave you information about planet Acart.


Solar, I asked the same question, well see what Billy says-Scott

(Message edited by scott on September 27, 2009)

ufo maio 1958 campo de arroz

Sarandi 30 - 3 - 96
revista bimensal disco voador
ano 1 março -abril 80
pág 14
fonte :pesquisa ICCS n 126
maio de 1958

distrito de João Rodrigues da cidade de Rio Pardo, Rio Grande do sul - Brasil
maio de 1958
O sr José Sá Rosa,34 anos ,quando na epoca com 16 anos observou em maio de 1958 por volta das 15:00 horas um disco voador parado bem encima de um campo de arroz. situado em João Rodrigues, sexto distrito de Rio Pardo, Rio grande do sul,
Por volta das 15 horas, um trabalhador rural aponta para o céu e vê o objeto estacionado no céu, abaixo das nuvens.
Tinha diâmetro proporcional a 20 centímetros o que nos leva a crer que pela distância, teria por volta de 30 metros de diâmetro.
Brilhando numa tonalidade branco-amarelada.
Ele fez um descenso ao arrozal, parou no solo e logo depois ascendeu, não sendo mais visto.

fonte pesquisa ICCS n 126

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009

relatos parecidos

"O que me impede de descrever com mais exatidão a beleza da Terra olhando de lá, é minha dificuldade em discernir cores. Ela emitia 5 cores: A 1ª: esta tenho certeza era azul, emitida pela parte clara (dia). A 2º: a parte escura, uma mistura de preto com azul. A 3ª: era uma espécie de cinturão existente ao redor da terra, tanto na parte escura como na parte clara, estando esta entre as cores parecidas com azul também (para mim). A 4ª: outro cinturão, este porém mais espaçoso, formando uma espécie de arco-íris com outro, esta cor era semelhante a emitida por uma lâmpada elétrica bem fraca. A 5ª: era vista quase nos extremos da parte clara, eram dois riscos escuros e existentes onde, tomando nossa posição por base, ficavam na parte de cima e na de baixo da Terra, atravessando a parte clara em sentido horizontal, dando a mesma impressão de estar vendo de uma elevação uma luz sendo projetada do solo sobre uma valeta no escuro."

Repare na foto abaixo:

(Foto: Nasa/AP)

Essa foto foi tirada da Estação Espacial Internacional, em 4 de Junho de 2012, na expedição 31. Repare na foto que a atmosfera da Terra reflete uma cor exatamente como a descrita por Artur Berlet, uma cor parecida com a luz de uma lâmpada elétrica fraca. Se a história de Artur Berlet é falsa então como ele sabia sobre esses detalhes do Planeta Terra que só são vistos do espaço? Ou será que Artur Berlet realmente esteve em um Disco Voador? Lembre-se que o livro foi escrito em 1958, antes mesmo do primeiro homem (Iuri Gagarin) ir para o espaço.

Postado por Flavio Frizzo às 20:56 
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22 comentários:

ROBERTO BRAZA21 de fevereiro de 2014 às 16:12
Eu acredito na história de Artur Berlet, entretanto me preocupo com o que possa ter ocorrido com o povo de ACART, uma vez que seu planeta (provavelmente Ceres) sofreu alterações em sua superfície há pouco tempo. Será que alguma potência aqui da Terra enviou para Acart um "presente de Tróia" com alguma arma mortífera escondida para aniquilar aquela avançada civilização?


Alexandre Chambarelli de Novaes23 de julho de 2020 às 20:46
Poxa, você pensou bem. Porém, também penso que o Planeta deles pode estar em outra dimensão e que os instrumentos deles são capazes de nos avistar assim mesmo, pois, eles não citam os outros planetas do nosso Sistema Solar, nem são vistos em seus céus, nem comentado o cinturão de asteroides, Marte ou Júpiter, que estariam bem próximos e mais visíveis.


Anônimo20 de julho de 2014 às 07:34
Acho que não é Ceres, caro amigo, pelo relato de Artur la o Sol esta muito distante, coisa que em Ceres esta mais proximo.


Anônimo17 de novembro de 2014 às 18:02
Alguém se lembra das "Cartas de Piri Reis", assemelham-se nas descrições da visão da Terra do espaço em tempos em que não era possível tal situação.

O relato de Artur Berlet, publicado no livro "Da UTOPIA à Realidade, viagem real a um outro planeta", prefaciado por Jorge Geisel e com epilogo dá W. K. Buhler, está com a edição esgotada. Ele pode ser lido nas Bibliotecas do Rio (Nacional), São Paulo e Curitiba (Municipais).

A hipótese mais surpreendente partiu do astrofisico soviético 1. S. Shklovsk que anunciou que Phobos seria uma lua artificial lançada por
uma extinta civilização marciana.
Obviamente, tal fato jamais pôde
ser comprovado, mas ganhou ao
longo dos anos alguns adeptos,
entre eles o doutor R. W SharpIes,
um cientista norte-americano
que realizou uma série de observações
das duas luas.
Segundo Sharples, Phobos
não ocupava a órbita teoricamente
esperada para uma lua do
seu tamanho gravitando um pia-
neta como Marte. Inclusive, detectou
que em algumas dezenas
de anos, Phobos teria avançado
órbita adentro cerca de 2,5
graus, sendo este fato inédito e
inexplicável atualmente pela
mecânica celeste. Aparentemente,
o movimento executado pela lua marciana é o mesmo que ocorre entre os satélites fabricados pelo homem, pois a atração gravitacional do planeta faz com que estes artefatos se aproximem demais da atmosfera, fazendo- os perderem velocidade e correrem o risco de literalmente despencar dos céus em altíssima velocidade, caso suas órbitas não sejam corrigidas de tempos em tempos.

fotos e materia

Aliás, todas as evidências indicam que existe mesmo uma certa raça malévola dos tripulantes de OVNI que tem um grande interesse em destruir a nossa civilização, muito possivelmente para se apoderar da Terra - um verdadeiro paraíso infelizmente tão desprezado e maltratado por nós mesmos! Nada, nada mesmo, impede que certas criaturas, tal como nos falam os relatos bíblicos sobre a "Tentação da Serpente", de tempos em tempos se aliem com algumas nações, fornecendo tecnologia e assim estimulando nos bastidores, e graças à nossa estupidez, o nosso próprio fim! Artur Belet, um brasileiro seqüestrado para exames por tripulantes de um OVNI no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, ouviu de um deles precisamente isto: "Chegamos à conclusão que vocês não suportarão por durante muito tempo a curiosidade de ver o estrago que fazem todas as suas armas. E quando isso acontecer, não poderão escapar dessa devastação, porque com poucas bombas daquelas (nucleares) contaminarão todo o globo que habitam. Isso acontecido, poderemos apoderar-nos tranqüilamente de todo o globo terrestre, porque os poucos que restarem não nos oporão resistência... Aliás, seria inútil tentar. Quanto à contaminação radioativa dessas armas, para nós não constitui problema, porque temos aparelhagens que neutralizam os efeitos da poeira nuclear..... Nós entraremos em ação assim que a guerra acabar"
Assim como Pau Ferro, o também tratorista Artur Berlet vivenciou uma experiência sem igual. Raptado para uma espaçonave que o levou a outro planeta, fez contato com seres que por razão desconhecida falavam o alemão. Acompanhe agora este caso histórico pesquisado pela SBEDV, Jorge Geies e Carlos de D. Gomes.
No dia 14 de maio de 1958, Artur Berlet tratorista da Prefeitura de Sarandi, Rio Grande do Sul, regressava do interior do município, viajando ora a pé ora de carona, quando, às 19 horas, ao passar pela Fazenda do Dr. Dionisio Peretti, viu uma luz estaranha no mato à beira da estrada a uns 200 metros de onde se encontrava. Curioso, atravessou a cerca de arame para ver o que era aquilo e, chegando a 3 0metros do foco, constatou que a claridade opaca provinha de um enorme objeto circular, de uns 30 metros de diâmetro, cuja forma lembrava duas bandejas, viradas uma contra a outra. Receoso, pensou em fugir, mas a curiosidade foi mais forte e ele se aproximou alguns passos.

Ao recuperar a consciência, encontrava-se atado num leito tipo cama de hospital. Algumas pessoas se movimentavam, aparentemente alheias à sua presença. Eram altas, mais do que o normal na Terra, claras, cabelos cor de palha.

"Procurei dirigir-me a elas em diversos idiomas. Umas me olharam indiferentes, outras sequer olhavam..."

Pouco depois, Berlet foi desamarrado por dois indivíduos que o levantaram e o levaram a um outro compartimento, onde lhe vestiram uma capa comprida. Sempre amparado pelos flancos, porque ele se sentia muito fraco, os homens o conduziram através de várias salas até uma porta de saída. Surpreso, constatou que a nave estava pousada em solo firme, numa cidade estranha. Sentiu então, grande mal-estar.

"- Tive a impressão de que havia perdido metade de meu peso e, ao mesmo tempo, de que meus ombros haviam aumentado de volume."

Amparado pelos dois tripulantes, saiu do disco e foi levado, a pé por uma rua estreita, com altos edifícios de cores variadas e intensamente luminososas, até um grande prédio, onde entraram . Alí, foi alimentado com uma espécie de carne e pão. Depois, foi conduzido a outra sala, onde haviam muitas pessoas reunidas.

Tentaram estabelecer conversação com ele, mas não se compreendiam mutuamente. Berlet falou-lhe em Português, Espanhol, Italiano e Alemão. Quando falou nesta última, um deles levantou-se, demonstrando grande alegria, e disse:

"- Deutsch?"

Terminada a reunião, esse homem, que só sabia falar umas três ou quatro palavras em alemão levou-o a um outro edifício. Ali, Berlet tomou um banho de "água tão leve como gás", vestiu novos trajes que lhe deram e foi conduzido a uma sala, onde várias pessoas, sentadas ao redor de uma mesa retangular, conversavam animadamente.

"- Ao notarem nossa presença, todos, como por encanto, calaram-se e se voltaram para mim!"

Seu acompanhante falou algo com eles e, então levantou-se um homem alto e forte, dizendo-lhe em correto alemão:

"- Sente-se."

Daí em diante esse indivíduo, de nome Acorc, passou a ser seu cicerone, levando-o a visitar aquela e outra cidades de Acart - o nome daquele mundo - explicando-lhe tudo que via e perguntava.


Exclareceu-lhe Acorc que seu planeta, naquela ocasião, estava a 62 milhões de quilômetros da Terra. Não tem satélites naturais, mas possui duas gigantescas plataformas espaciais girando à sua volta. 0 clima é sempre frio. Os meios de locomoção são aéreos. As cidade são como as nossas, mas as ruas servem só para pedestres. A noite, as ruas não têm necessidades de iluminação, devido ao resplendor das paredes. Para o transporte de pessoas existem naves pequenas, com capacidade para dois até 10 passageiros. São como aviões sem asas, impulsionados por motores solares. Feitas de material muito leve e super-resistentes, podem parar em pleno ar e voar mesmo dentro de uma sala. Os veículos para cargas pesadas são empregados também em viagens espaciais.

Um ano lá equivale a 676 dias da Terra; um mês a 61 dias e 6 horas terrestres; uma semana, a 9 dias e 14 horas; um dia, a 46 horas; e uma hora a 7 horas e 40 minutos. 0 ano acartiano tem 11 meses; a semana 5 dias e o dia 6 horas.

De olho na Terra

O grande problema de Acart é o da super-população. Por isso, os acartianos estão de olho na Terra. Não para invadi-la à força, pois "eles possuem alto senso humanitário, são muito evoluídos e bons". Todavia, sabem que os próprios terrícolas se destruirão com suas armas atômicas, o que não vai tardar muito e, então, sem guerra, sem qual quer violência, eles poderão ocupar o planeta morto. A radioatividade não constituirá problema.Seus aparelhos poderão, em poucos minutos, transformar o veneno atômico em fertilizantes para o solo, para vegetação e seres vivos.

Suas armas são apenas duas: desintegradores e neutralizadores solares. Estes últimos também empregados na medicina e na lavoura.

Quanto ao sistema de governo, Berlet não sabe como qualificá-lo. Disse ser uma mistura de sistemas com um nome diferente. Lá não há moeda circulante. O planeta Acart é um só pais, inteiramente habitado. Sua capital, aquela metrópole onde se encontrava, tinha 90 milhões de habitantes! Todos no pais, trabalhavam para a coletividade e têm um padrão de vida elevadíssimo. O governador é eleito cada três anos por um Conselho de 500 membros.

A viagem de volta

Na volta, a viagem foi mais agradável. Entraram na cosmonave e Acorc, que o acompanharia até a Terra, deu-lhe uma pílula.

"- Terei que fazer a viágem em estado de inconsciência como na vinda?"

"- Não, desta vez não será preciso. Poderá percorrer acordado grandes trechos do percurso sem correr perigo algum. Apenas nas zonas de turbolência magnética, a fim de resistir melhor, deverá dormir: ao sair do campo magnético de Acart, ao percorrer o chamado espaço neutro e ao atravessar as barreiras magnéticas da Terra."

A pílula, que os tripulantes também tomaram, foi o único alimento durante a viagem.
A nave deixou-o em terra a 5 quilômetros de Sarandi. Seu amigo despediu-se afavelmente à saída do disco. Caminhou com dificuldade 10 passos à frente, sem se voltar, seguindo recomendação de Acorc. Entâo, parou e olhou para trás, na esperança de ver a decolagem da cosmonave... Mas só havia escuridão! Tudo desaparecera naqueles poucos momentos! Ainda obedecendo recomendações do acartiano, fez todo o percurso a pé até sua residéncia, vagarosamente, levando três horas nesse trajeto que, normalmente, fazia em uma hora apenas.

Na primeira, semana após regresso, permaneceu em casa, até recuperar completamente as energias perdidas e ordenar suas idéias confusas, conturbadas por aqueles oito dias em que viveu a mais estranha aventura de sua vida.

O relato de Artur Berlet, publicado no livro "Da UTOPIA à Realidade, viagem real a um outro planeta", prefaciado por Jorge Geisel e com epilogo dá W. K. Buhler, está com a edição esgotada. Ele pode ser lido nas Bibliotecas do Rio (Nacional), São Paulo e Curitiba (Municipais).

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

1990 - parte 2

copa do mundo e o ano que Artur me escreveu

Foi aos 22 anos de idade que o manuscrito veio até mim na forma de livro. Este livro que havia sido publicado na íntegra juntamente com a ilustrações foi um achado.

Minha paixão pelo assunto vio muito forte e me deixou de início despreparado e sem referências plausíveis para aceitar e acertar nas minhas concluões de modo a exprimir e levar a público.

Eu simplismente acreditava e queria que assim o fosse que aqueles que eu exibia o assunto.

Pois bem, 20 anos se passaram para que assim eu já me sentisse preparado e apto para expressar minha visão em relação ao caso Berlet e o planeta por ele visitado Akart.
Segue aqui a dedicatória de Artur Berlet.

Akart o planeta vizinho

perguntas sem resposta
perguntas com resposta
como você sabe?
atraves do documento manuscrito do senhor Artur Berlet onde relata toda sua experiencia de ter ido até este planeta contra sua vontade, pelos seus habitantes, os acartianos.
Quem é Artur Belet?
materiais e fotos
Este caso já foi investigado?
sim, porém as intenções anteriores de investigação referiu-se ao contato em si, ou seja, em relação a nave , local de pouso, tempo que Artur foi dado como desaparecido, e porque nos visitam, porém uma investigação quanto a presença deste planeta Acart em nosso sistema solar ou um estudo paralelo sobre o material que Artur nos trouxe sobre a vida social em Acart jamais foi levado em consideração
onde fica Akart?
Como são seus habitantes?

Breve resumo de astronomia

ele teria sido levado a MArte?

apesar de termos um relato incrível sobre a viagem por uma nave terrestre ate Marte,escrito Narciso Genovese, a data da viagem feita por Artur Belet foi 14 de maio de 1958 e neste mes e ano, Marte estava numa posição oposta à órbita dA Terra,
não distando os 65 milhões de quilômetros que Akart estava em relação com a Terra.

Nota : O senhor Artur Berlet era um cidadão comum e nunca escreveu qualquer matéria ou estudou qulaquer assunto ligado a ufologia ou astronomia. Em 1958 pouco se sabia daquilo que Artur pôde ver com seus próprios olhos.

Meu propósito é de levar a público minha investigação para que, setores de ordem científica com mais recursos possam seguir adiante este enorme enigma mas que ao ser revelado e comprovado abrirá uma das mais significativas portas de conhecimento da humanidade.

Eu quero desperta a curiosidade do leitor para este assunto. Que seja motivo de discussão. Levar o assunto extraterrestre e planetas habitáveis, para um patamar mais elevado, mais consciso.
Despertar a necessidade de conhecer primeiramente o manuscrito na íntegra e quem sabe ao ser lido, mais interpretações e linhas de raciocícinio sejam exploradas.

É minha contribuição para a humanidade como um todo, e o mínimo que poderia fazer como gratidão pela oportunidade que me foi dada ao longo dos anos de investigação em descobrir mais e mais provas que auxiliaram na produção deste livro.

O planeta Akart precisa ser revelado para nós terráquáos.

Assim questionaremos as informações que são cedidas por agências espaciais. É sabido que há muito tempo todas as fotos são filtradas ou retoquadas para não revelarem qualquer objeto estranho que levantassem polêmicas.

Como sendo um novo passo

qual a relação entre ufologia e o caso Artur Berlet?

A ufologia como princípio estuda os objetos voadores que fogem de qualquer critério ou padrão atual de descrição. São objetos que, visivelmente estão no céu porém cientificamente ou tecnicamente não tem explicação .

Pois foi num destes objetos voadores , especificamente um disco-voador similar aos milhares de objetos voadores já avistado desde os idos de 1940 até hoje, que o senhor Artur viajou até Acart. Este veículo voador em forma de disco estava no solo numa plantação de trigo e Artur atraído por uma luz muito brilahnte e o disco voador
acabou sendo capturado pelos tripulantes indo despertar somente quando já se encontrava em Acart.

Faz mais de 50 anos que um homem comum terrestre pisou num planeta ainda por nós deconhecido. Minha intenção não é de provar, mas sim como pesquisador que sou, apresentar minhas conclusões e deixar um recado para as autoridades competentes que levem mais a sério esta questão e tratem de nos provar por "a + b" que não é possível existir um planeta como Akart aqui em nosso sistema solar entre Marte e Júpiter.
Passei por duas décadas investigando o fenômeno do contatismo, ou seja, pessoas que mantiveram contato físico de outros ou indireto com sers extraterrestres habitantes
de outros planetas chegando inclusive a conhecer pessoalmente três destas pessoas especiais:
Os irmão Verônica e Sixto Wells e a senhora Roseli Vaz.

qual foi o motivo principal que despertou a vontade de escrever sobre a existência deste planeta?

Para servir de trampolim para uma nova era da humanidade onde a partir da comprovação deste planeta e habitado por seres semelhantes a nós, não seremos um só