“The Portal of Radical Information”
(edited in the last week of every month)
- March 2004 -
- NUMBER OF VISITS - We registered, in March 25th, a total of 6220 visits to this info-portal.
- MORE NEOLOGISMS - (Rigorously, the SKD neologisms can be presented in (at least) Portuguese and English; here are some of the most recent ones:) *timace (a piece of time); *nittle (from nightfall to midnight); discritique (a commentary against); * to alpay (to pay with someone else's money, by his command); * telecard (telephonic card); tri-sound (radio, tape and CD player); *soapt (soap or toilet soap); *beingin (invisible being); *petalien ("magical" alien pet).
- ANOTHER ASTROBIOSPHERE - According to the UFO magazine nº 97, the brazilian and paraiban Francisco Antero Ricardo, in 1997 (and other years), was abducted, visited another planet - which we'll call "Planteron"- described like that: a "twilight" world, with hills and crawling plants, and five types of (human beings) inhabitants: one of the A type (about 1.50 meter high), a slim and big-headed one, and other 3 types similar to the terrans; the young appearance is enduring; obedient animal-robots are produced. (Number 132 of SKD's astrobiospheres' list).
- The etheric giant - Due to the chronical lack of concrete and cIear informations, old or new, about Hercolubus, we're lead to concIude that is an etheric planet (physical-subtle), visible only to psychics. Anyway, at the time of the perigeum, the predicted catastrophical telluric effects will can happen.
- The Stellar Fleet's Facial Bases - On the contrary to the underground ones, the facial bases of the SF are very discreet and small. ln January 2002, was founded (in Porto Alegre) the SKD Terran Base of the Stellar Fleet, being its commandant the G.U. Karlos Duat. Among the ten "Obligations of a Stellar Fleet's Facial Base's Commandant", we'll mention: *keep the place always cIean and tidy; *never allow disturbing people within the place; *to know alI the main informations about the Stellar Fleet. (Anyone who wants to have the whole list, just needs to ask us (providing lhe address), and we'll send it (along with the SF's symbol) through mail).
- THE "MIRROR EFFECT" - Expressed by the classic phrase "Like happens up there, happens down here", there is, sometimes, a metaphysical (and hyperlogical) concomitance between occurrences of different nature. ln the life of the G.U. SKD, this is very frequent. For example: on the day (March 23th) he received, at his Base, the visit of two ladies, one of them (Nora) German-Norwegian, concomitantly the gaucho governor (of the RS state) had, in his Palace, the visit of some Norwegian businessmen (to discuss the construction of a big dockyard on the state). // In relation to ampler and more dramatic occurrences (such as wars), the "mirror effect" also appears.
- THE PLANET AKART - On March 20th, the television network RBS (from Porto Alegre) divulged a story on Artur Berlet and his amazing trip to... Planet Akart. He, a "gaucho", in 1958 was taken, by alien beings, to an "unknown" planet (maybe etheric), in orbit next to Mars'. In his book "The Flying Saucers - From Utopia to Reality", Berlet (born in 1931 and dead in July '94) relates his interplanetary trip. // In August and September 1978, Berlet visited Karlos Duat and joined the New Age Club (CNE - Clube Nova Era) as a member. Partners, Duat and Berlet used to walk together along Porto Alegre. At his residence, Duat showed him some pictures of ETs (seen by witnesses in several countries); Berlet looked... and pointed at one of them, saying: "This is the one!... And the saucer back there, too!" . (This picture is better than the one in the book's cover... that doesn't show the "akartians".) Karlos Duat is willing to show (anyone who wants to see it) the precious figure pointed by Berlet ... only after the day B.
- THE LIBERTINE WOMAN DECALOGUE - The woman that practices lust (debauchery) thinks, or feels, that a "hanboy" (handsome and attractive boy) is irresistible... even if he's lazy, untidy, smoker, ignorant, unreasonable, materialist, selfish, sexist... and pretends that the (eventual) conception and birth of a stupid child (really hard to educate) wouldn't be worse than a fortuitous mishap (or "failure") in their sexual relations (hypothetically speaking). // If the reader wants a copy of the "Libertine Woman Decalogue", ask for it (sending us your address), and will be answered by mail.
- ANTI-STUPIDITY AND ANTI-PLUMPNESS CAMPAIGN - Is it fair that only animaIs and vegetals be improved? Let's start an eugenic campaign? having in mind the betterment of the human species? The frightened and unconscious think they don't know this evident truth: stupidity (low IQ) and plumpness (obesity) are terrible evils and unacceptable (to the New Mankind). The stupids (IQ under 110, let's say) and the fats shouldn't have, biologically, children. And let's fight for this ideal, as if reproductive acts of these individual were terrorist attacks.
- A PLEASANT COMPANY - In relation to the hypothetical question "is Karlos Duat (22 years d.e.a) a pleasant company or not?"... We have the statement of Sofia (15 years old, friend of Karlos Duat): "I, S.J., goddaughter and resident of SKD's house, affirm that he is a calm and courteous person, and a great company."
- OPPORTUNITY OR POSTERITY - An individual "social" product can be an "opportune action-work" or a "postumating work". An "opportune action-work" always has an immediate sense, through the author's life and his contemporary people; it is produced (for example) by an athlete, an ecologist, a spiritual leader, a warrior. A "postumating work" has a bigger sense related to posterity, in an almost untemporary way. It is produced (for example) by an artist-painter, a writer, a composer, an archaeologist. (If it's not divulged in time, it could be destroyed after the author's death). // An specific duatic work (scientific, inventive or reformist, let's say) can be "opportune" (if it's brand new or a little advanced) or "postumating" (if it's too advanced). It is not fair (nor benefic) that a specific duatic action-work should be ignored and, months or years later, is "passed behind" (made) by somebody else (authors of something equivalent... but lower because they are posterior, without the merit of being the first ones). And it is not fair that a "postumating" work should be published only after the author no longer exists.
- SYlPHs and SYlPHides - Has the dear netsurfer noticed already the beautiful cloud formations in the skies of Porto Alegre and other cities, that appears in the afternoon just before sunset? They are nebular masterpieces, drawn by... the sylphides. // The RS' (Rio Grande do Sul) drought, in February, March and April (non typical time) was and still is terrible, causing agricultural damages of billions of reals and, in the (treated) water drank by millions of people, a taste of mud. Because of an already mentioned reason (see the bulletin KDPN of the last month), SKD asked the Stellar Fleet for this catastrophe... but it seems that he was only complied by the sylphs (and sylphides), the elemental beings of the air. With his intense telepathic emission, SKD communicates or is easily noticed by the "beingins", invisible beings (positive or not). // The burnt of the never published scientific articles was suspended, thanks to the appearance of a "good company" (although the situation is, right now, with some limitations). The divine providence (or angelical, or of invisible GUs) is not affected by the several fundamental
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