Archive through October 23, 2009
Discussionboard of FIGU: The Mission: "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier: Your Questions to Billy Meier--Answered: Archive through October 23, 2009
Posted by Scott on Friday, October 23, 2009 - 02:46 am:
Will the problems we will experience from the sun around 2012/2013 result in the poles shifting partially or completely? What other effects might we experience (power/communication loss)? How should we prepare?
The publication of information about the year 2012 (Mayan calendar) has stirred enough confusion, therefore Billy will give no additional information. Many people have a tendency to interpret more into an information than there really is.
(Note by CF: Keeping one’s eyes and mind open is all that is needed to prepare oneself.)
Hello Eduard
Thank you for the chance and your time for me to ask you another question.
I would like to go back to the first contact you had with Semjase. I quote
"32. Many faunal or even floral life forms have also reached highly advanced levels of existence.
33. So there are species that have acquired much knowledge and have freed themselves from their environment; they travel through space and also occasionally come to Earth.
34. Many of them are rather unpleasant creatures and live in a certain barbarism that frequently is nearly as bad as the terrestrials'.
35. One must be on one's guard from them because they often attack and destroy everything that gets in their way.
36. Often they have destroyed whole planets or forced their inhabitants into barbaric slavery.
37. This is one of our tasks:
38. To warn the people on Earth of these creatures.
39. Let the people know this because the time is approaching when a conflict with these degenerate human creatures becomes unavoidable.
In line 32 Semjase explains that many faunal or even floral life forms have also reached highly advanced levels of existence. In line 33 Samjase explains that there are species that have acquired much knowlegde - and travel through space. In line 39 Samjase mentions that these are degenerate human creatures.
My question is this: When Semjase speaks in line 33 about species is she refereing to human species or of plants/animals that have gained much knowledge and if its plants/animals how can plants/animals gain much knowledge without a brain and spirit-form like humans?
Thank you for you time
Kind regards
My new Website address -
She refers to human species, even if there are floral and faunal life forms (seeds and bacteria etc.) which are capable of leaving a planet and float/travel to other worlds/planets.
hiya billy.
ive been having these "epiphanies". its seems like in my dream im always high up in the trees talking to other people in a peaceful environment. eventually i make way to a big tree and sit down and talk to it. whenever i talk to it everytime i come up with a realization or an epiphany.
for example lately i gained an immense amount of understanding and knowledge of love, kiss, personalities, programming methods, communication, dejavus, change in my personalities, etc...And it effects me the same morning i wake up.
i try to describe this, but i cant find the words for it. while within my consciousness it retains its full meaning and i cant share its full meaning because i cant explain it. not even close.
my question is this. is this the result of my nonstop hardwork of meditation finally beginning to pay off or delusional?
Any insight, explanations, advice would be great.
-Gerald Massey
It very much looks like the result of incorrect attempts and wishing too much. It could be that you have provoked imaginations or, as you say, epiphanies. If a person is forcing the meditation process there is danger of develping schizophrenia and delusion. Such effects as described by you are produced by the consiousness and through imagination.
Dear Billy, I was watching Steven Hawking on TV & he said that if he could get one question answered he would ask "Can something come from nothing?" How would you answer that question?
With a „No“. From nothing comes nothing.
Dear Billy,
Thank you for answering my last question.
But I'm afraid there was some misunderstanding.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to say it in German yet.
In my last question, I was speaking about the spiritform.
In a lifetime, as the spirit learns, it changes (gathers knowledge).
The same applies through the successive lives: so the spiritform changes from life to life.
Though, being as the playariens are able to say for example that this spirit now lives in Germany... (Even if they no more give this kind of details)
This means that despite the changing of the spirit, there is still something unchanged in the spirit that a superior being (not an earthling) can spot.
So, what is the changing part of a spiritform and what is the unchanging part of it?
The spirit form does not learn, but cumulating everything into higher energy. The learning process happens within the consciousness. The spirit form does not change from life to life.
The Plejaren are not capable to detect special spirit forms from one life to another. They have to get the information from Arahat Athersata (via the High Council).
A spirit form can be detected because each one has its own vibration.
Hallo Herr Meier.
Ich habe ein paar Fragen im bezug auf die Pyramiden, die da in Bosnia und Herzegovina entdeckt waren. Nun sind die Pyramiden immer noch bedeckt mit Erdboden, aber Archäologen vermuten das diese Pyramien die ältesten sind auf der Erde.
1. Haben die Plejaren ihnen etwas darüber erzählt?
2. Wissen Sie warum die Pyramiden bedeckt sind?
3. Welche Völker haben diese erbaut?
Von rund 1000 v Chr (Jmm) bis die Römer das Land übernehmen haben, haben dort Illyrianischen Stämme gelebt. Aber die Illyrianer waren recht primitiv, so denke ich das die Pyramiden nicht von den gebaut waren. Auch waren diese viel früher erbaut.
I have a few questions regarding the pyramids which were discovered in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The pyramids are still covered with soil, but archeologists suppose that these are the oldest on Earth.
1. Did the Plejaren tell you anything about them?
2. Do you know why these are covered with soil?
3. Which peoples have built these?
From around 1000 BC (BJ), the Illyrian tribes have lived there until the Romans took over. The Illyrians were quite primitive, therefore I don't think that the pyramids were built by them. The pyramids were also built much earlier.
Thank you very much! (Thanks pretty)
36.The human is another person, when, surrounded by the rays of the heavenly creational sunrise, the pure delight of awakening nature streams through him.
Billy has seen photos of that hill and learned on TV that drillings into the ground have brought no evidence of pyramids.
Most probably it is a so-called „Laune der Natur“, i.e. natural artefacts.
Billy doesn’t know about pyramids within those hills.
Dear Billy,
There is something I have been trying to figure out for a number of years, which I haven’t been able to truly come to a conclusion on my own.
Wendelle Stevens published a book in 1987 entitled “Contact from Planet Acart”. This book supposedly involved a man (Artur Berlet) in Brazil in 1958 who was taken to this planet (Acart) for a number of days and then returned to earth. Some of the material in the book seems to coincide with information Ptaah relayed to you in Contact 35 during your great space voyage. Additionally, there was more information released about the extreme overpopulation on this planet in a conversation with Ptaah during contact 235. Also, in Guido’s Book “And Still They Fly” there is mention of Mr. Horst Fenner in Bolivia who encountered two of these visitors from the same region of space.
Some of the similarities I found in Wendelles book which also were mentioned in contact 35 were the following:
1. Collecting grains and vegetables while visiting earth.
2. Mention of overpopulation on their planet
3. They drug themselves during space flight
4. Mention of a space platform (station) during space flight
5. The spelling is very similar: Akart/Acart (possible translation inaccuracy)
In Mr. Fenner’s exchange with the visitors he spoke German to them (they used language translators) and also Mr. Berlet mentioned he spoke German to the beings from Acart. Also, Mr Fenner’s encounter took place in Bolivia and according to Mr. Berlet his initial encounter took place in Brazil, both South American Countries.
Since this book “Contact from Planet Acart” was released in 1987, I am sure the possibility exists that someone could have read the contact notes, and then fabricated this entire story. On the other hand after reading the book, it occurred to me some of things mentioned could be legitimate although possibly distorted due to translation inaccuracies. To the best of your knowledge do you know if the book is a somewhat accurate and a truthful story, or a complete hoax created to sell books? (I apologize if this question was a bit long)
Thank you again for your help.
The „Contact from Planet Acart“ case is nonsense.
Hi Billy, I hope all is well with you and your health,
I would like to ask you a question regarding paranoid schizophrenia. This is an illness which I've been fighting for about 10 years now. I am in my late 20's. I developed this illness because of my involvement in the Christian faith in my late teens. It involved my fear of outside forces punishing me for "sins" I had committed. And since I had committed all these "sins" I had or have low self esteem. So I am always watchful for things in the outside world which would determine my fate, such as police watching me, or numbers I see or whatever. This backwards link to the outside world is causng me a lot of strife. I would really like to be a person that determines my own fate despite what I see in the outsde world. But it's this fear of the consequences of my actions that keeps me frozen in fear and I don't react to anything going on in my life. Like I said I would like to be a person that determines my own fate, but to get to that point in my development and overcome my fear? What is the departure point, or starting thought that I sould start out with if I were to overcome my fear? Thanks, and take care.
You should try to free yourself from the religious nonsense and delusion. This is really hard „work“! Note: There is no such thing as a „sin“.
The help of a non-religious psychiatrist may be helpful, but they are hard to find, depending on the country you live in.
Generally it can be said that people who were deeply religious in their actual life have great problems to free themselves from the bounds of religious thinking and feeling. Relapses are a frequent occurrence, unfortunately.
Hi Billy,
You once advised that people with Skizophrenia should not do meditation as it was unsafe for them (not sure if it was in or out of the pyramid or both?)
Should a person with Bipolar mood disorder (once termed depression) do meditation, thanks.
Actually sick persons can or could meditate, but with schizophrenia there is danger that the affected person is sliding deeper into delusion and that a problem is made bigger than it really is.
Regarding Bipolar mood disorder: Meditation can be fine if the person is in control and does not circle or drown in a problem. If the person cannot detach himself from the problem, but is concentrating and enprisoned in the problem, he shall stop a meditation process.
A normal, settled life (style) and regular work would be the best remedy and aid.
Btw: It is possible to use one’s work for meditation, as a meditative process.
what do you think about the system locking up humans in jail i live in nebraska and i went to jail and not find it plesent and no one wont to be there i feel its wrong i would like your answer about that
Locking people up in a jail/room for a long time is wrong. The correct way would be to install detention locations (Massnahmeerfüllungsorte), like e.g. islands or fenced in landscapes were the criminals have to work for their daily life, with their own hands and out in nature.
As a rule, criminals tend to not learn or change when imprisoned in a small cell/room for a long time.
The goal of any code of criminal procedure should be that the delinquent learns correct behaviour as well as internal and external hygiene etc. etc.
However, as long at the „detention locations“ are not installed, we need jails.
Dear Billy,
In one of the books on Pleiadian/Plejaren spirituality ('Star Wisdom') there is mention of the P's putting an interfering hand into the natural development of spirit forms. ie. the following...
'When a Pleiadian woman falls in love with a less developed man from some other star system, she can easily bring him up to her high level by the use of the advanced Pleiadian science'
Further to that..
'In fact whole races of beings can be brought up to a very high level of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence by such means without the need for each individual having to go through the different evolutionary steps'
Well essentially main question being - to engage in a practice like this - well just strikes me as cheating on Creation somehow - is there wisdom in doing such a thing in the first place? Shouldn't a spirit form always have to go through the hoops at precisely its own pace at all times? Always learning from its own mistakes as it were, in the usual normal manner, unimpeded by external forces/technology?
& After all, if it is the case that this was EVER done by them (accelerate the levels of entire races) - then what would be to stop them from doing that to us earth humans, to get us on the right track faster (lets face it, things are not looking good) - for the benefit of everyone, them included (considering that us humans are nearly at the stage of actually being able to.. destroy the entire DERN universe, apparently)
(I realise that the P's have a policy of fairly strict non-interference - but just now playing devil's advocate temporarily - just from the point of view of coming from this angle ie that there are possible double standards at play here in this particular instance on the part of the Plejaren ways of dealing with things.)
What Semjase explained was more theory than reality. If there’s a too great difference in the evolutional-vibrational level of two persons, it is not possible to artificially minimalize that „gap“.
(Note by CF: In other words: It is not feasible that a terrestrial human being can be cognitively and intellectually „lifted“ to the evolutive level of a Plejaren. There’s too much difference between both persons.
You can compare it with the following example: If a professor from the University of Zurich would meet an indigenous woman (an adult) in the heart of the Amazonas jungle and want to marry her and bring her into his circles, there would arise unsurmountable problems of understanding and mentality etc.)
Dear Billy
I have a question regarding the life of Jmmanuel.
We know Buddha begged for food to stay alive during all his 40 years preaching days.
However, we know nothing about Jmmanuel whether he did the same as Buddha during his preaching days.
My question is : In order to earn for a living, did Jmmanuel and his team have a job or did they fully depend on the supply of other people?
Jmmanuel’s task since his childhood was to learn and to teach. From time to time he did some manual labour in gardens and agriculture, but most of the time he was teaching. He did not do this for money, but of course he received goods and money from the people who attended his lectures etc.
Jmmanuel’s team or disciples respectively had to work in their learned professions. They weren’t constantly travelling, but had to go back home from time to time to earn a living.
Hello Billy,
I was discussing with some of the forum members about the spirit form and death. And I have come to grow skeptical about it. I can't conceive anything beyond death because there is no experience after that.The self dies and all the body parts disintegrate. So why tell us about all these things since there is no way for us of knowing this. You say that this is the Truth and the true words but we won't really know for sure. You say this is the right path, but all I see is just words.
If you weren't instructed by the Plejaren(if happened) would you have ever known about this? And so, in what way will it help us if any at all? Won't your teachings and the way to achieve whatever we "need" to achieve cut off the possibility of nature to deliver unique individuals into being?
The necessary information or knowledge respectively can only be received from the Arahat Athersata level. The Plejaren are not capable to gain that knowledge.
To know or have knowledge about the processes before and after death is important for understanding the purpose and meaning of life.
Dear Billy,
When Asael and his followers colonised the Plejaren star cluster it is probable that there were original inhabitants on the habitable planets, for example on Erra. How evolved were the original inhabitants of Erra and what sort of interaction occurred between them and the colonisers? Were these Ur-inhabitants simply assimilated or were they eliminated?
Liebe Wohl,
Yes, there were original inhabitants on the planet Erra. They were „wild creatures“ (wilde Gestalten). If Billy remembers correctly, some were assimilated, other died out (they were not eliminated!).
Dear billy
Having met many people throughout my life one pattern to the human psychology uniformly never seems to change in that when dealing with them you have to be somewhat animate and quite expressive with your emotions, especially affection.
It seems that with an introverted personality, it would be somewhat of a challenge to shore up affection for another from within and then to be able to express them appropriately for the others to understand clearly most of the time even if affection never aquates with true love.
Often times in this present day and age in any social setting, generally people like to be with those particular people who are affectionate towards them thinking that its some form of love or at least a sign that the other person likes them.
Yet I guess this would apply to all people living on this earth including me that from time to time we are forced to feign our affection for another because the occasion sometimes forces our hand or that the only way that people receive cues from body language is by seeing it, even if you don't want to there are occasions where you must to at least make the other person comfortable and at ease.
Surely there are people who exploit their social skills to get ahead in life and to make good impressions for self regarding motives and to this our politians are adept at the charm offensive but all in all it equates with deception and dishonesty.
I for one feel so inept where it concerns being expressive with my emotions as I am of the view that if I don't have any affection for another person, I prefer to suffer the deadening silence and the discomfort of it whilst receding to my inner thoughts than showing affection for another that I don't feel or have which sometimes makes things very awkard.
My question is, is the emotion of affection tied to genetic predisposition of our biological makeup linked closely with our ability for survival and propagating the human species and that as often our emotions are a window to our thoughts and the inner world, the only way that safety for the species can be maintained is if the human develops the ability to spot various dangers and that we have developed the ability to recognise the physical and emotional cues of others to respond appropriately depending on what kind they are, we would naturally avoid people that are angry, aggressive or sullen and depressed?
Real affection (which is no emotion) is an urge/striving (Streben) pre-determined by Creation and built on love and harmony.
Regarding our behaviour towards other people as described by you: This has to do with sympathy and antipathy towards another person, and both are depending on one’s attitude, thinking and feeling.
How can voices caused by primary telepathy be distinguished from voices caused by a psychosis or schizophrenia?
Actually what is called voices in a telepathy process are not really voices, but rather „like a voice“. It is more knowledge than spoken language. It is hard to explain.
The voices in a psychosis sound like real voices.
Dear Billy,
What is the meaning of the rectangle at the bottom of the Peace Symbol?
The rectangle represents the grounding/fundamental block of peace which holds together and bears the tree of peace and life.
The black and white square represents the symbol of life and peace.
The seven „feathers“ on top are the seven consciousness forms.
The 2 x 3 „feathers“ below represent spiritual vibrations.
The two wheels represent the universe and Creation and are connected.
Dear Billy:
I have read many questions concerning reincarnation and the evolution of the spirit form through living many material lives. I have read that the spirit form will only take to the beyond: love, peace, wisdom, knowledge, freedom, honor and one more that I can’t remember.
I don’t know if I mentioned the 7 virtues correctly either, but what I would like to know is:
When we die and go to the beyond to process what we have learned in this life, the spirit form collects only what is positive. Then, the spirit form reincarnates in a new human body, but how can the material conscience benefit from what the spirit form has taken from previous lives?
I know that we don’t remember past lives; but how does the spirit form communicates the material conscience what is love, peace, wisdom etc..?
Thank you for answering our questions and greetings to all at the SSSC.
The material conciousness may have (or has) access to the information from former existences through one’s subconsciousness. The learning process happens in the physical life by the consciousness. The spirit form does not communicate.
greetings Billy,
how come Gabriel had to be to be Jmmanuel's and Mohammad's biological father and not just anybody else considering it is the mission of the spirit reincarnating that matters most?
Mohammed had a terrestrial father and mother! He was not conceived by an extraterrestrial.
From all the seven true prophets, only Jmmanuel had an extraterrestrial biological father.
hope you have a good health, but I have something very worry and very afraid hope you can help me, Many Thank!!
1.I'm very worry about my former life, so I very urgent want to know have any bafath member dead on earth and reincarnate on earth?
2.if they reincarnate on earth I very urgent want to know they will become who?
many thank and hope you have a good health and happy every day.
The Befaths did not die on Earth.
You don’t have to worry about your former life. There’s absolutely no reason for that because it has no effect on your present life.
If the spirit form of a former Bafath/Gizeh Intelligence would incarnate on Earth, this will be no problem to anybody, because the person will not remember his/her former existence/life.
dear billy,
thank you for answering my first question.
this question concerns meditation, i havent meditated for a long time i just started last month and on my second meditation my whole body started to tingle and the shake, since then i was able to do it at will, also two days later what is commonly known as the third eye chakra stared to tingle as well but this can last for hours even when im not meditating, lastly when i meditate my arm sometimes go up by themselves.
billy my question is what does all this mean?
im confused and scared at the same time about it i dont want to do the wrong thing.
It looks indeed like you are doing the wrong thing. Don’t do such things on will because it/this is dangerous. You can develop imaginations, even delusion!
Hi Billy .. As there is a one spirit form that has reincarnated as the 7 prophets on planet earth; does a spirit form that enlivened a great musician like Mozart for example, also reincarnate in further times as great musicians of different eras? Or respectively, scientists, athletes, politicians, writers, actors, any vocation; do these personalities with particular vocations, often pick up those same vocations in different eras with similar success, yet using the particular (musical, artistic) expressions of their day?
Greetings and thanks for clarifying my last question.
My question is what is the limit of evolution of non-human life forms in our Creation, i.e. how far a conscious living being without a human spirit can evolve according to natural Creational laws for e.g. space travel, primary telepathy, spiritual telepathy, etc?
Certainly they cannot learn spiritual telepathy.
The limit is when evolution is stopping the process, or when a catastrophe occurs.
There already exist highly evolved animals on Earth, like e.g. silver wattle.
(Note by CF: Billy had a silver wattle in his office, and each time he passed that plant its twigs swiftly moved in the direction where Billy was/stood. After Billy’s severe accident the plant withered and died.)
Hello Billy,
My question concerns the Plejaren diet -- the foods they eat. You have told us they eat fruits and vegetables and meats and these are also mentioned in the Goblet of Truth -- and thank you for G of T!
But do the Plejaren also eat grains and grain products like breads, pies, tarts, cakes etc, and if they do, do they eat a lesser amount than the fruits and vegetable and meats or more? Also do they genetically engineer fish as well as meat to eat? Presumably, if we live near the sea or rivers, as well as meat, fish are a good food to eat too.
Thank you so much for all your diligent work, writings, and publications. One day I hope to read them all.
Peace and good health be yours, Billy
Yes, they also eat grain and grain products like bread and sweets etc. And yes, they artificially grow fish just like meat.
Hello Billy
Recently i read a book "UFO contact from planet Acart" written by Artur Berlet. In the year 1958 he was abducted by Acartians and taken to overpopulated planet Acart which was not far from Eart and similar to Earth. In 1975, Ptaah also gave you similar information about planet Acart : it is only 5 light yers from eart, people are a bit more advanced than we, planet is overpopulated and Acartians often visited our planet to collect samples of plants, vegetables, fruits and grains.
My question : was Artur Berlet really abducted and visited Acart? If not, If he was lier, then how could he possibly know so much about Acart? He published his book long before Ptaah gave you information about planet Acart.
Solar, I asked the same question, well see what Billy says-Scott
Exactly. See answer above. It’s nonsense. He has not been on that planet.
(Message edited by scott on September 27, 2009)